Posting Images


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Posting your images in the forum

Once you have completed your upload you can promote your images in the various threads throughout the forum. if you have yet to upload your image, visit the "Upload Images" in the "Help" pages.

Once uploaded, the easiest way to post your images is by clicking on the camera icon when compiling your post.
After clicking on the camera icon ( ), thumbnails of all your images will be displayed where you can select the images you wish to post directly to the forum.

You don't have to but we suggest you write a description underneath the images you post in the forum along with your name or username and host site which is

We are happy for users to use a small watermark if they desire but watermarks must not include other website addresses. Copyright remains with the photographer (you) at all times but we reserve the right to use your images to promote

Users who prefer may embed images from other host sites, however, posts containing broken image links will be deleted. So the only way to ensure your images remain here is to upload them here.

Please respect copyright and read the Terms & Conditions (Terms & Rules) for further details regarding copyright.
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