White Heather
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  • I'm a new Member trying to post it keeps asking for a Recipient . What is that i'm baffled . Thanks
    My subject is re the incident by GAZLT in October 1980
    White Heather
    White Heather
    Hi, if it was an incident at LBA you need to go in to the Leeds Bradford Forum, then into Aviation Nostalgia, and then make your post there as the next comment. Good luck.
    Please do not withdraw from the forum. I appreciate your view's, knowledge and the photo's you provide. Your work for the support's group has been over & beyond. You are too valuable to lose. I am sure my thought's are shared by many other member's of the forum. It is easy for some people to make their comments behind a screen but coward's up front. I hope over time you will reconsider your decision. Best wishes.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: White Heather
    White Heather
    White Heather
    Thank you. I plan on sticking around but it's been quite tough and after yesterday, I feel like stepping back. Whether I will or not remains to be seen!

    Thank you for your kind words! Much appreciated.
    Hi Heather. Hope you are well. I have been trying to make contact with you regarding a photograph you uploaded. I am ATC at Birmingham (nearing retirement now) but in my youth spent many happy hours watching aircraft at Leeds having been born in Farsley. I was directed back to here from the LBA spotters page. I would be grateful if you could reply to this message. Regards, Andrew
    White Heather
    White Heather
    Hi Andrew, I am ok thanks, & hope you are too. How can I help? You can message me if you wish via the messaging part of the forum. ( The little envelope ).
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