Forgot to say I will pay £2.00 next time to use LBIA pick and drop off family and freinds, as I fully support the expansion of the airport to be built in the near future and no doubt the funding from the car park will contribute to it.
Manchester Airport £2.20 upto 30mins, gone up 20p since I went to pick up my parents. Tryed to park outside airport and was quickly told to move on into the pick up and drop of area. I was only there for 3minutes.
Re: Potential Routes
White Heather with regards to the Government's White Paper for extending the runway, would the Government help financialy if Bridgepoint change their minds and extend the runway?. I ask this question because in the Masterplan there is a proposal to extend the runway.
Further to brititania020 post on the Airport spending 80 million pounds, what developments will happen with this money? As I understand the terminal is going to cost around 28million pounds not sure as to how much the additional long stay car park is costing, which is under construction at the...
Re: Sandtoft Runway Development
Until I saw the pictures The Locol Yokel, I never noticed the dips were there. When I take off and Land I've never felt the dips present. The runway was to open on the 5th December but the CAA has yet to inspect the runway, so I've been told it will be fully...
Re: Sandtoft Runway Development
The new runway is open on 5th December 2009, the flying club house has also had a lick of paint done to it also. Non members are welcome, car parking is free and the food is excellent.
Re: re:
I agree with Aviadors statement above, it would be intresting to know how many people visit the lba website a day? Website could do with been updated more regulary, seems to be keep Jo public in the dark about what the airports intentions are.
Sorry Aviador this is not my website, this is the new official flying clubs website. Why not give the club a call and ask if there is a chance of a web link to the Forums4airports.
Here's some pictures of the sandtoft runway development.
The new runway at Sandtoft Airfield will be opened on the 26th November 2009. Also website under construction at the moment:
NB: 52nd Street Aviation (Sandtoft Airfield) will be closed week commencing 21st November 2009 for aprox 1 week, this is because they are re surfacing the runway. Another extremely busy day at Sandtoft Airfield, at the moment lots of trial flights via WH Smiths vouchers also lots of spectators...
off the subject of Doncaster Sheffield, but in the control zone. Sandtoft Airfield is under new management and also a new CFI has been appointed.
Non members are welcome, there is a variety of aircraft taking off/landing probably a few more than that a Robin Hood Airport and also the food is...
Re: Infrastructure Developments
Aviador-nothing really else to say on long haul flights/runway extension. I read your statement regarding no extension plans for the for seeable future. We will have to watch the space for the forth comming years as to whether or not we will have a regular...
Re: Infrastructure Developments
Thanks for that gardener - is there an expirey date on the Government white paper for LBA to do this or is it when Bridgepoint consider extending the runway, the option is there?
It would be intresting to see what options it would open up for both routes and...
Re: Infrastructure Developments
Thanks for the reply White Heather regarding," are Bridgepoint aware on the runway not been long enough"?.
I was having a browse via Google and typed in the words "expansion plans for Leeds and Bradford Airport". One site came up
This was dated back in...
Re: Infrastructure Developments
The statement Bigman has said "There are many big types that can get into LBA, but not fully loaded, and get out again, but without a full payload and fuel tanks". This is a true statement, which brings me back to my statement "regarding are Bridgepoint aware of...
Re: Infrastructure Developments
As I write this message to you guy's, I too am having a glass of wine.
I would have thought to start doing international routes out of LBA the runway would be an issue to airlines. Ok PIA are doing flights direct to Islamabad on the A310, but if the B777 does...
Re: Infrastructure Developments
In the Airliner world magazine August edition (page 12) a full page on leeds and Bradford aiport terminal and some more pictures of the inside, and what it will look like when completed. Looks impressive. Does any body know when the terminal expansion is going to...
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