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  1. B

    Spotting Movements Log & Heads Up

    And according to Flight Radar this arrival was from Miami! Opa Locka was not on my list as a frequent origin airport, but welcome to Multi Flight's canteen for breakfast!
  2. B

    Using Leeds Bradford Airport (Questions & Reviews)

    Usual round trip to Oslo via AMS at the weekend. Security rammed outward bound but it was half term! KLM used on three of legs, but SAS 321 NAO on AMS/OSL leg. Wouldn't use SAS again from choice for reasons that would get me into trouble with woke folk! Looking forward to LBAs new "wing"...
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    Problems at AMS/KLM continue, albeit with ramifications all over the place. I have just booked LBA/OSL and return for late October, and one of the AMS/OSL legs is with SAS and an A320NEO, as opposed to the normal KLM 737. Posh! Seriously there are continuing problems with Norwegian this morning...
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    Airport seeks legal clarification on night flying

    Yorkshire Post reports today, Saturday, that the Council have to decide by 1st November. Hurrah !
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    Airport seeks legal clarification on night flying

    It seeems you have to have a Facebook account to view the "stream" To misquote a famous witness in a case at the Old Bailey, "I'd rather ski naked down Everest with a rose up my nose" than join social media. I will rely on an unbiased report from onwe of the Forums memebers who actually got a...
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    Route Development & Rumours

    HX3 ! Agreed: although Gardemoen (OSL) is a fine airport, and only 1 train stop from where I visit family,(we managed to keep BrownAir with its Gulfstream plane busy in circa 1985) It is a "trail" via AMS and takes all day in reality. Three cheers for the return of the lunchtime LBA/AMS timing...
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    Leeds Bradford - General Thread

    Look North: pointless report in reality. Outbreak of bird flu in Timbukto would have been more interesting. On a serious note, the local labour candidate for May elections listed in his 1st flyer (ha ha) that he would not fly for 10 years. OK but his update leaflet this week leaves out that...
  8. B

    Using Leeds Bradford Airport (Questions & Reviews)

    LBA/AMS/OSL/AMS/LBA over the last weekend using our only "link" hub. (Sorry but I never want to go West!) All 4 flights rammed (190/737/190/190) with the LBA terminal coping nicely at 0410 when I arrived, the mid morning KLM not running. I see todays mid-morning KLM has been canned too. Sad...
  9. B

    Archive Spotting Movements Log & Heads Up

    Birmingham! Now on approach there! howani
  10. B

    Route Development & Rumours

    Brownairfrom 1 April 1985. APEX FARES (RETURN) Frankfurt £95. Oslo, the afternoon use of the same plane which I used until it ceased - £129. They were always full, with the toliet facilities, errm,, basic, but hey! Where's my violin!?
  11. B

    Wizz Air

    Postive thought......won't some of the bowsers at DSA be available before the same time slot next week, be they leased or owned? Just a thought! From a distance the A321 could be a 757. Happy days! bhowani
  12. B

    Future Infrastructure Developments

    Whilst this saga has (sadly) a long way to run, can somebody with a Law Degree comment on the reported reaction by Alex Sobel to the appointment of Inspectors to decide this issue. The YP says Sobel says "I'm opposed to the airport expanding from 4 million to 7 million. But I'm in favour ofthe...
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    Archive Spotting Movements Log & Heads Up

    Any further info about the "technical issue" would be good. What could AMS do that LBA couldn't? This is the link I use to AMS, so I declare an interest!
  14. B

    Archive Spotting Movements Log & Heads Up

    And then he flew below the level of the Chevin past my abode. Not seen anything so low since first BA 747 did a publised low run on it's first visit. Such fun!
  15. B

    Aviation Nostalgia Thread

    I once came back from BHD on one of these in filthy rainy windy weather. It was a sheer joy - a million miles better than their flying caravans (Shorts 360) I went out on. What a shame Capital was just a little before it's time............ Bhowani
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    And even worse the YEP recently reported an incident near Leeds Bridge. Headline was something along "Wharefdale Drama" Something not quite right there - maybe they could employ some proof readers who know their onions, as it were.
  17. B

    British Airways

    .and the crazy thing is that BA's VERY prompt return to LBA has not reached the Blue Top I read. Will somebody at the YP please print the good and happy news ( x 2) that we have had this week, and that fares start at a very reasonable level. I suppose the Chancellor had to come up/down from...
  18. B

    Route Development & Rumours

    Done! No idea where the kiddies "petition" to Kenrick have got their signatures from. I do hope it wil be scrutinised as it's impact MAY be weakened if signatures are from ghosts
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    Car owner? What car do you drive?

    1968 £400 pounds worth of Austin1000 VDP EKU 438 D or something like. Now long gone Bhowani
  20. B

    Future Infrastructure Developments

    Letter sent, wearing my flat hat and BCFC scarf!
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