Ryanair Summer 2025 schedule – As of September 23rd 2024.

HEADLINES SO FAR – Issue subject to change

No extra based aircraft, so the extra 2 stands been built this winter can't be for Ryanair sadly.

3x based Aircraft
25x Routes on Sale
110x weekly rotations on sale
10x weekly flights operated by Buzz
3x weekly flights operated by Lauda Europe
2x weekly flights operated by Ryanair UK
1x routes Bratislava Not on sale.

ZAD Zadar = 2x weekly (Mon & Fri)
LIG Limoges = 3x weekly (Mon, Fri & Sun)
BVA Paris Beauvais 3x weekly (Wed, Fri & Sun)
PGF Perpignan = 2x weekly (Wed & Sun)
CHQ Crete Chania = 1x weekly (Mon)
DUB Dublin = 20x weekly (3x daily Mon-Tue Thu-Sun & 2x daily Wed)
RIX Riga = 4x weekly (Mon, Wed &Sat-Sun)
RAK Marrakesh = 2x weekly (Thu & Sun)
GDN Gdansk = 3x weekly (Mon & Fri-Sat)
KRK Krakow = 5x weekly (1x daily Tue-Sat)
POZ Poznan = 2x weekly (Tue & Sat)
WMI Warsaw Modlin = 2x weekly (Mon & Fri)
WRO Wroclaw = 2x weekly (Mon & Thu)
FAO Faro = 3x weekly (Tue, Fri & Sun)
OPO Porto = 2x weekly (Mon & Thu)
OTP Bucharest = 3x weekly (Tue, Thu & Sat)
ALC Alicante = 15x weekly (3x daily Wed & 2x daily Mon-Tue, Thu-Sun)
GRO Barcelona Girona = 5x weekly (Mon, Wed-Thu & Sat-Sun)
REU Barcelona Reus = 3x weekly (Tue, Thu & Sun)
FUE Fuerteventura = 2x weekly (Thu & Sun)
IBZ Ibiza = 2x weekly (Mon & Thu)
ACE Lanzarote - Arrecife = 2x weekly (Mon & Sat)
AGP Malaga = 8x weekly (2x Daily Tue & 1x daily Mon, Wed-Sun)
PMI Palma de Mallorca = 12x weekly (2x daily Tue-Wed, Fri-Sun & 1x daily Mon, Thu)
TFS Tenerife South = 2x weekly (Wed & Sat)

Mondays +18
Based Aircraft 1
RYR4107 = LBA 06:00 – WRO 09:10 / RYR4108 = WRO 09:35 – LBA 10:50
RYR2482 = LBA 11:45 – RIX 16:20 / RYR2482 = RIX 16:45 – LBA 17:35
RYR2328 = LBA 18:00 – LIG 20:50 / RYR2329 = LIG 21:15 – LBA 22:00
Based Aircraft 2
RYR2900 = LBA 06:40 – CHQ 12:40 / RYR2901 = CHQ 13:25 – LBA 15:45
--------------------------------- Spare -------------------------------------
Based Aircraft 3
RYR2486 = LBA 07:10 – IBZ 10:55 / RYR2487 = IBZ 11:30 – LBA 13:10
RYR2048 = LBA 14:00 – ACE 18:25 / RYR2047 = ACE 19:00 – LBA 23:10
Non based
RYS1932 = WMI 05:50 – LBA 07:20 / RYS1933 = LBA 07:45 – WMI 11:05 Op by Buzz
RYR2660 = ALC 05:50 – LBA 07:35 / RYR2661 = LBA 08:00 – ALC 11:45
RYR3576 = ZAD 05:55 – LBA 07:40 / RYR3575 = LBA 08:05 – ZAD 11:40 Op by Lauda Europe
RYR2311 = PMI 06:10 – LBA 07:50 / RYR2310 = LBA 08:15 – PMI 11:55 Op by Lauda Europe
RYR0156 = DUB 07:20 – LBA 08:20 / RYR0157 = LBA 08:45 – DUB 09:45
RYR2400 = OPO 07:15 – LBA 09:40 / RYR2399 = LBA 10:05 – WRO 12:40
RYR2447 = AGP 13:00 – LBA 15:00 / RYR2446 = AGP 15:25 – LBA 19:30
RYR0152 = DUB 14:30 – LBA 15:30 / RYR0152 = LBA 15:55 – DUB 16:55
RYR2324 = GRO 16:35 – LBA 17:55 / RYR2325 = LBA 18:20 – GRO 21:35
RYR0457 = DUB 17:35 – LBA 18:35 / RYR0456 = LBA 19:00 – DUB 20:00
RYR9078 = ALC 17:15 – LBA 19:00 / RYR9079 = LBA 19:25 – ALC 23:10
RYS1504 = GDN 20:15 – LBA 21:35 / RYS1503 = LBA 22:00 – GDN 01:10* Op by Buzz

Tuesdays +14
Based Aircraft 1
RYR5606 = LBA 06:05 – POZ 09:10 / RYR5607 = POZ 09:35 – LBA 10:45
RYR0456 = LBA 11:10 – DUB 12:10 / RYR0457 = DUB 12:50 – LBA 13:50
RYR2310 = LBA 14:40 – PMI 18:20 / RYR2311 = PMI 18:55 – LBA 20:35
Based Aircraft 2
RYR2326 = LBA 09:00 – PMI 12:40 / RYR2327 = PMI 13:15 – LBA 14:55
RYR2446 = LBA 16:30 – AGP 20:35 / RYR2447 = AGP 21:10 – LBA 23:10
Based Aircraft 3
RYR3577 = LBA 07:30 - REU 10:55 / RYR3578 = REU 11:30 - LBA 12:55
RYR5420 = LBA 13:45 – OTP 19:05 / RYR5421 = OTP 19:30 – LBA 20:55
Non Based
RYR0156 = DUB 06:10 – LBA 07:10 / RYR0157 = LBA 07:35 – DUB 08:35
RYR2660 = ALC 05:50 – LBA 07:35 / RYR2661 = LBA 08:00 – ALC 11:45
RYS2333 = KRK 08:50 – LBA 10:20 / RYS2332 = LBA 10:45 – KRK 14:10 Op by Buzz
RYR2458 = AGP 09:00 – LBA 11:00 / RYR2457 = LBA 11:25 – AGP 15:30
RYR2504 = FAO 13:30 – LBA 16:30 / RYR2503 = LBA 16:55 – FAO 19:55
RYR0152 = DUB 16:45 – LBA 17:45 / RYR0153 = LBA 18:10 – DUB 19:10
RYR9078 = ALC 17:50 – LBA 19:35 / RYR9079 = LBA 20:00 – ALC 23:45

Wednesdays +14
Based Aircraft 1
RYR2482 = LBA 06:00 – RIX 10:35 / RYR2482 = RIX 11:00 – LBA 11:50
RYR3579 = LBA 12:55 – BVA 15:20 / RYR3580 = BVA 15:45 – LBA 16:05
RYR2446 = LBA 16:30 – AGP 20:35 / RYR2447 = AGP 21:10 – LBA 23:10
Based Aircraft 2
RYR0240 = LBA 06:00 – TFS 10:40 / RYR0241 = TFS 11:15 – LBA 15:40
RYR2310 = LBA 16:30 – PMI 20:10 / RYR2311 = PMI 20:45 – LBA 22:25
Based Aircraft 3
RYR9359 = LBA 06:00 – PGF 09:15 / RYR9360 = PGF 09:40 – LBA 10:50
RYR2326 = LBA 11:40 – PMI 15:20 / RYR2327 = PMI 15:55 – LBA 17:35
RYR0153 = LBA 18:00 – DUB 19:00 / RYR0152 = DUB 19:25 – LBA 20:25
Non based
RYR0156 = DUB 06:45 – LBA 07:45 / RYR0157 = LBA 08:10 – DUB 09:10
RYS2333 = KRK 06:50 – LBA 08:20 / RYS2332 = LBA 08:45 – KRK 12:10 Op by Buzz
RYR9079 = ALC 11:20 – LBA 13:05 / RYR9079 = LBA 13:30 – ALC 17:15
RYR2324 = GRO 12:40 – LBA 14:00 / RYR2325 = LBA 14:25 – GRO 17:40
RYR2660 = ALC 13:25 – LBA 15:10 / RYR2661 = LBA 15:35 – ALC 19:20
RYR9078 = ALC 18:55 – LBA 20:40 / RYR9079 = LBA 21:05 – ALC 00:50*

Thursdays +16
Based Aircraft 1
RYR2486 = LBA 08:25 – IBZ 12:10 / RYR2487 = IBZ 12:45 – LBA 14:25
RUK5889 = LBA 15:05 – RAK 18:50 / RUK5890 = RAK 19:15 – LBA 23:00 Op by Ryanair UK
Based Aircraft 2
RYR3577 = LBA 09:00 - REU 12:25 / RYR3578 = REU 12:50 - LBA 14:15
RYR5420 = LBA 15:35 – OTP 20:55 / RYR5421 = OTP 21:20 – LBA 22:45
Based Aircraft 3
--------------------------------- Spare -------------------------------------
RYR0475 = LBA 15:35 – FUE 20:00 / RYR0474 = FUE 20:35 – LBA 00:45*
Non based
RYR0156 = DUB 06:20 – LBA 07:20 / RYR0157 = LBA 07:45 – DUB 08:45
RYS4108 = WRO 06:10 – LBA 07:25 / RYS4107 = LBA 07:50 – WRO 11:00 Op by Buzz
RYS2333 = KRK 07:00 – LBA 08:30 / RYS2332 = LBA 08:55 – KRK 12:20 Op by Buzz
RYR2447 = AGP 07:50 – LBA 09:50 / RYR2446 = LBA 10:15 – AGP 14:20
RYR2311 = PMI 08:15 – LBA 09:55 / RYR2310 = LBA 08:15 – PMI 14:00
RYR2660 = ALC 11:15 – LBA 13:00 / RYR2661 = LBA 13:25 – ALC 17:10
RYR0152 = DUB 13:55 – LBA 14:55 / RYR0152 = LBA 15:35 – DUB 16:35
RYR9078 = ALC 15:50 – LBA 17:35 / RYR9079 = LBA 18:00 – ALC 21:45
RYR2324 = GRO 16:30 – LBA 17:50 / RYR2325 = LBA 18:15 – GRO 21:30
RYR0457 = DUB 17:35 – LBA 18:35 / RYR0456 = LBA 19:00 – DUB 20:00
RYR2400 = OPO 17:10 – LBA 19:35 / RYR2399 = LBA 20:00 – WRO 22:35

Fridays +15
Based Aircraft 1
RYR1503 = LBA 06:00 – GDN 09:10 / RYR1504 = GDN 09:35 – LBA 10:55
RYR2328 = LBA 11:20 – LIG 14:10 / RYR2329 = LIG 14:35 – LBA 15:20
RYR2446 = LBA 16:10 – AGP 20:15 / RYR2447 = AGP 20:50 – LBA 22:50
Based Aircraft 2
RYR2332 = LBA 06:00 – KRK 09:25 / RYR2333 = KRK 09:50 – LBA 11:20
RYR2310 = LBA 12:10 – PMI 15:50 / RYR2311 = PMI 16:25 – LBA 18:05
RYR3579 = LBA 18:30 – BVA 20:55 / RYR3580 = BVA 21:20 – LBA 21:40
Based Aircraft 3
RYR2326 = LBA 08:25 – PMI 12:05 / RYR2327 = PMI 12:40 – LBA 14:20
RYR2503 = LBA 15:10 – FAO 18:10 / RYR2504 = FAO 18:35 – LBA 21:35
Non based
RYR2660 = ALC 06:35 – LBA 08:20 / RYR2661 = LBA 08:45 – ALC 12:30
RYR0156 = DUB 07:30 – LBA 08:30 / RYR0157 = LBA 08:55 – DUB 09:55
RYR9078 = ALC 11:25 – LBA 13:10 / RYR9079 = LBA 13:35 – ALC 17:20
RYR0152 = DUB 15:00 – LBA 16:00 / RYR0152 = LBA 16:25 – DUB 17:25
RYR3576 = ZAD 17:35 – LBA 19:20 / RYR3575 = LBA 19:45 – ZAD 23:20 Op by Lauda Europe
RYR0457 = DUB 18:00 – LBA 19:00 / RYR0456 = LBA 19:25 – DUB 20:25
RYS1932 = WMI 16:35 – LBA 18:05 / RYS1933 = LBA 18:30 – WMI 21:50 Op by Buzz

Saturdays +16
Based Aircraft 1
RYR5420 = LBA 06:00 – OTP 11:20 / RYR5421 = OTP 11:45 – LBA 13:10
RYR0153 = DUB 13:40 – LBA 14:40 / RYR0152 = LBA 15:20 – DUB 16:20
RYR2310 = LBA 17:15 – PMI 20:55 / RYR2311 = PMI 21:30 – LBA 23:10
Based Aircraft 2
RYR2048 = LBA 06:30 – ACE 10:55 / RYR2047 = ACE 11:30 – LBA 15:40
RYR2482 = LBA 16:30 – RIX 21:05 / RYR2482 = RIX 21:30 – LBA 22:20
Based Aircraft 3
RYR2326 = LBA 07:20 – PMI 11:00 / RYR2327 = PMI 11:35 – LBA 13:15
RYR0240 = LBA 14:25 – TFS 19:05 / RYR0241 = TFS 19:40 – LBA 00:05*
Non based
RYR0156 = DUB 06:10 – LBA 07:10 / RYR0157 = LBA 07:35 – DUB 08:35
RYS2333 = KRK 06:10 – LBA 07:40 / RYS2332 = LBA 08:05 – KRK 11:30 Op by Buzz
RYR2447 = AGP 05:45 – LBA 07:45 / RYR2446 = LBA 08:10 – AGP 12:50
RYR2660 = ALC 09:00 – LBA 10:45 / RYR2661 = LBA 11:10 – ALC 14:55
RYS5607 = POZ 10:50 – LBA 12:00 / RYS5606 = LBA 12:25 – POZ 15:30 Op by Buzz
RYR2324 = GRO 13:35 – LBA 14:55 / RYR2325 = LBA 15:20 – GRO 18:35
RYR9078 = ALC 13:50 – LBA 15:35 / RYR9079 = LBA 16:05 – ALC 19:50
RYS1504 = GDN 17:00 – LBA 18:20 / RYS1503 = LBA 18:45 – GDN 21:55 Op by Buzz
RYR0457 = DUB 21:55 – LBA 22:55 / RYR0456 = LBA 23:20 – DUB 00:20*

Sundays +17
Based Aircraft 1
RYR3579 = LBA 05:55 – BVA 08:20 / RYR3580 = BVA 08:45 – LBA 09:05
RYR3577 = LBA 09:35 - REU 13:00 / RYR3578 = REU 13:25 - LBA 14:50
= LBA 15:40 – RAK 19:25 / RUK5890 = RAK 19:50 – LBA 23:35 Op by Ryanair UK
Based Aircraft 2
RYR2482 = LBA 06:00 – RIX 10:35 / RYR2482 = RIX 11:00 – LBA 11:50
RYR0475 = LBA 12:40 – FUE 17:05 / RYR0474 = FUE 17:40 – LBA 21:50
Based Aircraft 3
RYR2328 = LBA 07:00 – LIG 09:50 / RYR2329 = LIG 10:15 – LBA 11:00
RYR9359 = LBA 11:25 – PGF 14:40 / RYR9360 = PGF 15:05 – LBA 16:15
RYR2325 = LBA 17:50 – GRO 20:20 / RYR2324 = GRO 20:55 – LBA 22:15
Non based
RYR2660 = ALC 06:00 – LBA 07:45 / RYR2661 = LBA 08:10 – ALC 11:55
RYR0156 = DUB 07:30 – LBA 08:30 / RYR0157 = LBA 08:55 – DUB 09:55
RYR2326 = LBA 08:40 – PMI 10:20 / RYR2327 = PMI 10:45 – LBA 14:25
RYR2504 = FAO 08:50 – LBA 11:50 / RYR2503 = LBA 12:15 – FAO 15:15
RYR2310 = LBA 11:40 – PMI 13:20 / RYR2311 = PMI 13:45 – LBA 17:25
RYR0152 = DUB 12:55 – LBA 13:55 / RYR0152 = LBA 14:20 – DUB 15:20
RYR9078 = ALC 18:00 – LBA 19:45 / RYR9079 = LBA 20:10 – ALC 23:55
RYR2447 = AGP 18:10 – LBA 20:10 / RYR2446 = LBA 20:35 – AGP 00:40*
RYR0457 = DUB 19:15 – LBA 20:15 / RYR0456 = LBA 21:00 – DUB 22:00

*Aircraft arrives destination airport early hours the following day
Last edited:
Ryanair have added further flights during the winter schedule for the month of March 2025.

Alicante= Increased from 8x to 9x weekly (2x daily Wed, Sun & 1x daily Mon-Tue, Thu-Sat)
Fuerteventura = Increased from 2x to 3x weekly (Wed & Fri-Sat)
Gdansk = Increased from 3x to 4x weekly (Mon-Tue & Thu-Fri)
Krakow = Increased from 7x to 8x weekly (2x daily Mon, Wed & 1x daily Tue, Thu, Sat-Sun)
Malaga = Increased from 6x to 7x weekly (1x daily Mon-Sun)

I’ll update the schedule later
Ryanair Winter 2024/2025 Leeds/Bradford Schedule as :- October 4th 2024

68x weekly RYANAIR flights on sale
3x based aircraft – 1x Boeing 737-MAX8-200 & 2x Boeing 737-800’s
15x Routes on sale
2x New Winter Routes – Bucharest & Marrakech
Up to 11x Flights a week operated by BUZZ
2x Flights a week operated by RYANAIR UK

Routes on sale operating all winter
(DUB) Dublin
= 14x weekly (3x daily Fri-Sun, 2x daily Mon & 1x daily Tue-Thu)
(RIX) Riga = 4x weekly (Mon, Thu & Sat-Sun
(RAK) Marrakech = 2x weekly (Thu & Sun)
(GDN) Gdansk = Reduced from 4x to 3x weekly (Mon, Thu-Fri)
(KRK) Krakow = 7x weekly (2x daily Mon, 1x daily Tue-Thu & Sat-Sun)
– Reduced to 5x weekly (2x daily Mon & 1x daily Wed & Sat) in Jan
(WMI) Warsaw Modlin = 2x weekly (Fri & Sun)
(WRO) Wroclaw = 3x weekly (Mon, Fri-Sat)
- Reduced to 2x weekly (Mon & Fri) in Jan
(FAO) Faro = 2x weekly (Mon & Sat)
(OTP) Bucharest = 4x weekly (Tue-Wed, Fri & Sun)
- Reduced to 3x weekly (Tue & Fri-Sat) in Jan
(BTS) Bratislava = 2x weekly (Mon & Sat)
(ALC) Alicante = 8x weekly = (2x daily Sun & 1x daily Mon-Sat)
– Reduced to 6x weekly (2x daily Sun & 1x daily Mon, Wed, Fri-Sat)
(FUE) Fuerteventura = 2x weekly (Fri & Sat)
(ACE) Arrecife = 3x weekly (Wed-Thu & Sun)
(AGP) Malaga = 6x weekly (Mon-Tue, Thu-Sun) –
Reduced to 5x weekly (Tue, Thu-Sun) Nov-Dec & 3x weekly (Tue, Fri & Sun) in Jan
(TFS) Tenerife South = 6x weekly (1x daily Mon-Sat)

18x additional flights operate end of summer 2024 season - week October 27th to November 2nd only = Arrecife +1, Malaga +2, Alicante +3, Bratislava +1, Faro +1, Gdansk +2, Girona +1, Palma +1, Poznan +3, Riga +1, Wroclaw +1, & Warsaw Modlin +1

21x additional flights to operate 2024/2025 Christmas & New Years Festive period commencing December 19th to January 7th only = Alicante +6, Arrecife +2, Faro +1, Wroclaw +4, Gdansk +3, Krakow +1, Warsaw Modlin +1 & Riga +3

11x additional flights on sale for the February 2025 half term holiday week commencing Mon 17th of February = Alicante +1, Fuerteventura +1, Arrecife +1, Malaga +2, Faro +1, Bratislava +1, Gdansk +1, Krakow +1, Warsaw Modlin +1 & Wroclaw +1

20+ Additional flights on sale for the Month of March 2025 (4x weeks) commencing from Tue 4th running until 29th = Alicante +4, Malaga +4, Fuerteventura +4, Gdansk +4 & Krakow +4

Mondays +11
Based Aircraft 1

RYR2332 = LBA 06:00 – KRK 09:25 / RYR2333 = KRK 09:50 – LBA 11:30 B7M8 28/10-24/03
RYR2482 = LBA 12:20 – RIX 17:00 / RYR2483 = RIX 17:25 – LBA 18:25 B7M8 28/10-24/03

Based Aircraft 2
RYR5041 = LBA 06:00 – BTS 09:25 / RYR5042 = BTS 09:50 – LBA 11:20 B738 28/10-24/03
RYR9079 = LBA 12:30 – ALC 16:20 / RYR9078 = ALC 16:55 – LBA 18:50 B738 28/10-24/03

Based Aircraft 3
RYR1503 = LBA 06:05 – GDN 09:15 / RYR1504 = GDN 09:40 – LBA 11:10 B738 28/10-24/03
RYR2359 = LBA 12:10 – KRK 15:35 / RYR2358 = KRK 16:00 – LBA 17:40 B738 04/11-24/04

RYR1933 = LBA 12:10 – WMI 15:30 / RYR1932 = WMI 15:55 – LBA 17:35 B738 28/10-28/10
Non-based Aircraft
RYR2504 = FAO 06:25 – LBA 09:25 / RYR2503 = LBA 09:50 – FAO 12:55 B738 28/10-24/03
RYR0152 = DUB 09:00 – LBA 10:00 / RYR0153 = LBA 10:25 – DUB 11:25 B738 28/10-24/03
RYR2447 = AGP 14:25 - LBA 16:30 / RYR2446 = LBA 17:00 - AGP 21:05 B7M8 03/02-24/03

RYR2048 = LBA 12:15 – ACE 16:35 / RYR2047 = ACE 17:10 – LBA 21:25 B738 17/02-17/02
RYR4108 = WRO 17:05 – LBA 18:30 / RYR4107 = LBA 18:55 – WRO 22:00 B738 28/10-24/03 Op by BUZZ
RYR2493 = TFS 15:35 – LBA 20:00 / RYR2492 = LBA 20:25 – TFS 01:05* B7M8 28/10-24/03
RYR0156 = DUB 20:00 – LBA 21:00 / RYR0157 = LBA 21:25 – DUB 22:25 B738 28/10-24/03

Tuesdays +6
Based Aircraft 1

RYR9079 = LBA 06:05 – ALC 09:55 / RYR9078 = ALC 10:30 – LBA 12:25 B7M8 29/10-07/01 & 04/02-25/03
RYR2446 = LBA 13:15 – AGP 17:20 / RYR2447 = AGP 17:55 – LBA 20:00 B7M8 29/10-25/03

Based Aircraft 2
RYR5420 = LBA 06:50 - OTP 12:20 / RYR5421 = OTP 12:45 - LBA 14:15 B738 29/10-25/03
RYR0475 = LBA 15:00 – FUE 19:30 / RYR0474 = FUE 20:05 – LBA 00:25* B738 18/02-18/02
RYR2048 = LBA 15:05 – ACE 19:25 / RYR2074 = ACE 20:00 – ACE 00:15* B738 29/10-29/10
RYR2048 = LBA 15:05 – ACE 19:25 / RYR2074 = ACE 20:00 – ACE 00:15* B738 31/12-07/01
Based Aircraft 3
RYR2457 = LBA 06:00 – AGP 10:05 / RYR2458 = AGP 10:40 – LBA 12:45 B738 18/02-18/02
RYR2482 = LBA 06:25 – RIX 11:05 / RYR2483 = RIX 11:35 – LBA 12:35 B738 29/10-29/10
RYR2482 = LBA 06:25 – RIX 11:05 / RYR2483 = RIX 11:35 – LBA 12:35 B738 24/12-07/01
RYR1503 = LBA 07:00 – GDN 10:10 / RYR1504 = GDN 10:35 – LBA 12:05 B738 04/03-25/03
RYR0240 = LBA 13:25 – TFS 18:05 / RYR2493 = TFS 18:40 – LBA 23:05 B738 29/10-25/03
Non-based Aircraft
RYR2333 = KRK 07:00 – LBA 08:40 / RYR2332 = LBA 09:05 – KRK 12:30 B7M8 29/10-07/01 & 04/02-25/03 Op by BUZZ
RYR5216 = ALC 06:45 – LBA 08:40 / RYR5219 = LBA 09:05 – ALC 12:55 B738 = 18/02-18/02
RYR0152 = DUB 10:00 – LBA 11:00 / RYR0153 = LBA 11:25 – DUB 12:25 B738 29/10-25/03
RYR4108 = WRO 12:35 – LBA 14:00 / RYR4107 = LBA 14:25 – WRO 17:30 B738 18/02-18/02 Op by BUZZ
RYR4108 = WRO 13:00 – LBA 14:25 / RYR4107 = LBA 14:50 – WRO 17:55 B738 24/12-07/01 Op by BUZZ
RYR5607 = POZ 13:50 – LBA 15:00 / RYR5606 = LBA 15:25 – POZ 18:30 B738 29/10-29/10 Op by BUZZ
RYR1504 = GDN 14:15 – LBA 15:45 / RYR1503 = LBA 16:10 – GDN 19:20 B738 31/12-07/01 Op by BUZZ
RYR5042 = BTS 16:00 – LBA 17:30 / RYR5041 = LBA 17:55 – BTS 21:20 B738 29/10-29/10 Op by BUZZ
RYR4108 = WRO 16:10 – LBA 17:35 / RYR4107 = LBA 18:00 – WRO 21:05 B738 29/10-29/10 Op by BUZZ
RYR1504 = GDN 17:15 – LBA 18:45 / RYR1503 = LBA 19:10 – GDN 22:20 B738 29/10-29/10 Op by BUZZ
RYR2504 = FAO 16:05 – LBA 19:05 / RYR2503 = LBA 19:30 – FAO 22:35 B7M8 29/10-29/10
RYR9088 = ALC 17:20 – LBA 19:15 / RYR9089 = LBA 19:40 – ALC 23:30 B738 29/10-29/10

Wednesdays +6 No flights operate December 25th
Based Aircraft 1

RYR5420 = LBA 06:00 – OTP 11:30 / RYR5421 = OTP 11:55 – LBA 13:25 B7M8 30/10-01/01 & 05/02-26/03
RYR2048 = LBA 14:15 – ACE 18:35 / RYR2047 = ACE 19:10 – LBA 23:25 B7M8 30/10-26/03

Based Aircraft 2
RYR2332 = LBA 06:00 – KRK 09:25 / RYR2333 = KRK 09:50 – LBA 11:30 B738 30/10-26/03
RYR2446 = LBA 12:20 – AGP 16:25 / RYR2447 = AGP 17:00 – LBA 19:05 B738 30/10-30/10
RYR2343 = LBA 12:20 – KRK 15:45 / RYR2342 = KRK 16:10 – LBA 17:50 B738 01/01-01/01
RYR2446 = LBA 12:20 – AGP 16:25 / RYR2447 = AGP 17:00 – LBA 19:05 B738 19/02-19/02
RYR0475 = LBA 13:40 – FUE 18:10 / RYR0474 = FUE 18:50 – LBA 23:05 B738 05/03-26/03
Based Aircraft 3
RYR2492 = LBA 06:25 – TFS 11:05 / RYR2493 = TFS 11:40 – LBA 16:05 B738 30/10-26/03
RYR1933 = LBA 16:50 – WMI 20:10 / RYR1932 = WMI 20:35 – LBA 22:15 B738 01/01-01/01
RYR2457 = LBA 17:00 – AGP 21:05 / RYR2458 = AGP 21:40 – LBA 23:45 B738 30/10-30/10
RYR1933 = LBA 17:00 – WMI 20:20 / RYR1932 = WMI 20:45 – LBA 22:25 B738 19/02-19/02
RYR2446 = LBA 17:00 – AGP 21:05 / RYR2447 = AGP 21:40 – LBA 23:45 B738 05/03-26/03
Non-based Aircraft
RYR9088 = ALC 05:45 – LBA 07:40 / RYR9089 = LBA 08:05 – ALC 11:55 B738 30/10-30/10
RYR2504 = FAO 06:10 – LBA 09:10 / RYR2503 = LBA 09:35 – FAO 12:40 B738 01/01-01/01
RYR2504 = FAO 06:15 – LBA 09:15 / RYR2503 = LBA 19:40 – FAO 12:45 B738 19/02-19/02
RYR2660 = ALC 07:00 – LBA 08:55 / RYR2661 = LBA 09:20 – ALC 13:10 B738 05/03-26/03
RYR5607 = POZ 10:05 – LBA 11:15 / RYR5606 = LBA 11:40 – POZ 14:45 B738 30/10-30/10 Op by BUZZ
RYR0152 = DUB 11:40 – LBA 12:40 / RYR0153 = LBA 13:05 – DUB 14:05 B738 30/10-26/03
RYR5042 = BTS 11:35 – LBA 13:05 / RYR5041 = LBA 13:30 – BTS 16:55 B738 19/02-19/02 Op by BUZZ
RYR4108 = WRO 12:45 – LBA 14:10 / RYR4107 = LBA 14:35 – WRO 17:40 B738 01/01-01/01 Op by BUZZ
RYR1504 = GDN 13:10 – LBA 14:40 / RYR1503 = LBA 15:05 – GDN 18:15 B738 01/01-01/01 Op by BUZZ
RYR9078 = ALC 12:55 – LBA 14:50 / RYR9079 = LBA 15:15 – ALC 19:05 B7M8 30/10-26/03
RYR2342 = KRK 13:20 – LBA 15:00 / RYR2343 = LBA 15:25 – KRK 18:50 B738 19/02-19/02 Op by BUZZ
RYR2342 = KRK 13:45 – LBA 15:25 / RYR2343 = LBA 15:50 – KRK 19:15 B738 05/03-26/03 Op by BUZZ
RYR1504 = GDN 15:35 – LBA 17:05 / RYR1503 = LBA 17:30 – GDN 20:40 B738 19/02-19/02 Op by BUZZ
RYR1504 = GDN 15:50 – LBA 17:20 / RYR1503 = LBA 17:45 – GDN 20:55 B738 30/10-30/10 Op by BUZZ
RYR2311 = PMI 15:45 – LBA 17:30 / RYR2310 = LBA 17:55 – PMI 21:35 B738 30/10-30/10

Thursdays +9
Based Aircraft 1

RYR2048 = LBA 06:00 – ACE 10:20 / RYR2047 = ACE 10:55 – LBA 15:10 B7M8 31/10-27/03
RUK5889 = LBA 16:00 – RAK 20:50 / RUK5890 = RAK 21:15 – LBA 00:05* B7M8 31/10-27/03
Based Aircraft 2

RYR2492 = LBA 06:00 – TFS 10:40 / RYR2493 = TFS 11:50 – LBA 16:15 B738 31/10-27/03
RYR2332 = LBA 17:05 - KRK 20:30 / RYR2333 = KRK 20:55 - LBA 22:35 B738 31/10-02/01 & 06/02-27/03

Based Aircraft 3
RYR9079 = LBA 06:00 – ALC 09:50 / RYR9078 = ALC 10:35 – LBA 12:30 B738 31/10-02/01 & 06/02-27/03
RYR2446 = LBA 13:20 – AGP 17:25 / RYR2447 = AGP 18:00 – LBA 20:05 B738 31/10-27/03

Non-based Aircraft
RYR2660 = ALC 05:45 – LBA 07:40 / RYR2661 = LBA 08:05 – ALC 11:55 B738 19/12-02/01
RYR0152 = DUB 09:00 – LBA 10:00 / RYR0153 = LBA 10:25 – DUB 11:25 B738 31/10-27/03
RYR2483 = RIX 13:15 – LBA 14:15 / RYR2482 = LBA 14:40 – RIX 19:20 B738 31/10-27/03
Op by BUZZ
RYR5607 = POZ 14:30 – LBA 15:40 / RYR5606 = LBA 16:05 – POZ 19:10 B738 31/10-31/10 Op by BUZZ
RYR2324 = GRO 17:30 – LBA 18:50 / RYR2325 = LBA 19:15 – GRO 22:30 B738 31/10-31/10
RYR1504 = GDN 18:45 – LBA 20:15 / RYR1503 = LBA 20:40 – GDN 23:50 B738 31/10-27/03 Op by BUZZ

Fridays +11
Based Aircraft 1

RYR0475 = LBA 06:00 – FUE 10:30 / RYR0474 = FUE 11:05 – LBA 15:25 B7M8 01/11-28/03
RYR5420 = LBA 16:15 – OTP 21:45 / RYR5421 = OTP 22:10 – LBA 23:40 B7M8 01/11-28/03

Based Aircraft 2
RYR0153 = LBA 06:00 – DUB 07:00 / RYR0152 = DUB 07:30 – LBA 08:30 B738 01/11-28/03
RYR4107 = LBA 09:30 – WRO 12:35 / RYR4108 = WRO 13:00 – LBA 14:25 B738 01/11-28/03
RYR9079 = LBA 16:00 – ALC 19:50 / RYR9078 = ALC 20:25 – LBA 22:20 B738 01/11-28/03

Based Aircraft 3
RYR2446 = LBA 07:55 – AGP 12:00 / RYR2447 = AGP 12:35 – LBA 14:40 B738 01/11-28/03
RYR2492 = LBA 15:15 – TFS 19:55 / RYR2493 = TFS 20:30 – LBA 00:55* B738 01/11-28/03

Non-based Aircraft
RYR1932 = WMI 10:35 – LBA 12:15 / RYR1933 = LBA 12:40 – WMI 16:00 B7M8 01/11-28/03 Op by BUZZ
RYR0156 = DUB 15:20 – LBA 16:20 / RYR0157 = LBA 16:45 – DUB 17:45 B738 01/11-28/03
RYR1504 = GDN 17:05 – LBA 18:35 / RYR1503 = LBA 19:00 – GDN 22:10 B738 01/11-28/03
Op by BUZZ
RYR0457 = DUB 21:55 – LBA 22:55 / RYR0456 = LBA 23:20 – DUB 00:20* B738 01/11-28/03

Saturdays +12
Based Aircraft 1

RYR0475 = LBA 06:00 – FUE 10:30 / RYR0474 = FUE 11:05 – LBA 15:25 B7M8 02/11-29/03
RYR2446 = LBA 16:55 – AGP 21:00 / RYR2447 = AGP 21:35 – LBA 23:40 B7M8 02/11-29/03

Based Aircraft 2
RYR2492 = LBA 06:05 – TFS 10:45 / RYR2493 = TFS 11:20 – LBA 15:45 B738 02/11-29/03
RYR9079 = LBA 17:55 – ALC 21:45 / RYR9078 = ALC 22:20 – LBA 00:15* B738 02/11-29/03

Based Aircraft 3
RYR2332 = LBA 08:15 – KRK 11:40 / RYR2333 = KRK 12:05 – LBA 13:45 B738 02/11-29/03
RYR2482 = LBA 14:35 – RIX 19:15 / RYR2483 = RIX 19:40 – LBA 20:40 B738 02/11-29/03
RYR0458 = LBA 21:05 – DUB 22:05 / RYR0457 = DUB 22:30 – LBA 23:30 B738 02/11-29/03

Non-based Aircraft
RYR0152 = DUB 06:25 – LBA 07:25 / RYR0153 = LBA 07:50 – DUB 08:50 B738 02/11-29/03
RYR2660 = ALC 05:45 – LBA 07:40 / RYR2661 = LBA 08:05 – ALC 11:55 B738 21/12-04/01
RYR0156 = DUB 11:05 – LBA 12:05 / RYR0156 = LBA 12:30 – DUB 13:30 B738 02/11-29/03
RYR2504 = FAO 15:25 – LBA 18:25 / RYR2503 = LBA 18:50 – FAO 21:55 B738 02/11-29/03
RYR4108 = WRO 17:30 – LBA 18:55 / RYR4107 = LBA 19:20 – WRO 22:25 B738 02/11-04/01 & 01/02-29/03
Op by BUZZ
RYR5042 = BTS 18:00 – LBA 19:30 / RYR5041 = LBA 19:55 – BTS 23:20 B738 02/11-29/03 Op by BUZZ
RYR9088 = ALC 18:30 – LBA 20:25 / RYR9093 = LBA 20:50 – ALC 00:40 B738 02/11-02/11

Sundays +12
Based Aircraft 1

RYR2048 = LBA 06:05 – ACE 10:25 / RYR2047 = ACE 11:00 – LBA 15:15 B7M8 27/10-23/03
RYR9089 = LBA 18:00 – ALC 21:50 / RYR9092 = ALC 22:25 – LBA 00:20* B7M8 27/10-23/03

Based Aircraft 2
RYR0153 = LBA 06:00 – DUB 07:00 / RYR0152 = DUB 07:25 – LBA 08:25 B738 27/10-23/03
RYR2482 = LBA 08:50 – RIX 13:30 / RYR2483 = RIX 13:55 – LBA 14:55 B738 27/10-23/03
RYR5420 = LBA 15:45 – OTP 21:15 / RYR5421 = OTP 21:40 – LBA 23:10 B738 27/10-23/03

Based Aircraft 3
RUK5889 = LBA 07:45 – RAK 12:35 / RUK5890 = RAK 13:00 – LBA 15:50 B738 27/10-23/03 Op by RYANAIR UK
RYR2446 = LBA 16:40 – AGP 20:45 / RYR2447 = AGP 21:20 – LBA 22:25 B738 27/10-23/03
Non-based Aircraft
RYR1932 = WMI 06:25 – LBA 08:05 / RYR1933 = LBA 08:30 – WMI 11:50 B7M8 27/10-23/03 Op by BUZZ
RYR2333 = KRK 06:30– LBA 08:10 / RYR2332 = LBA 08:35 – KRK 12:00 B738 27/10-23/03 Op by BUZZ
RYR9088 = ALC 07:10 – LBA 09:05 / RYR9079 = LBA 09:30 – ALC 13:20 B7M8 27/10-23/03
RYR0156 = DUB 15:05 – LBA 16:05 / RYR0157 = LBA 16:30 – DUB 17:30 B738 27/10-23/03
RYR0457 = DUB 21:45 – LBA 22:45 / RYR0456 = LBA 23:10 – DUB 00:10* B738 27/10-23/03

* Arrives destination airport early hours the following morning.
Thanks @lbaspotter. Looking at some of those arrival times into LBA do we not have overnight runway closures this winter?

I’m not sure if we have night closures this winter. If we do the restrictions can’t be as bad a previous years. It maybe a case that the airport can keep the runway open for booked scheduled flights only.

If not it’s going to cause a few headaches and lots of diverts for Ryanair this winter.
Last edited:
Highly doubt Ryanair would finalise a schedule if there was runway closures. The airport must be flexible around their schedule which makes sense and they should be.

Also good to see OTP reduced. Hope it’s a sign of Wizz holding their own also. As much as I do think Ryanair are great, I want to see Wizz expand.
I’m not sure if we have night closures this winter. If we do the restrictions can’t be as bad a previous years. It maybe a case that the airport can keep the runway open for booked scheduled flights only.

If not it’s going to cause a few headaches and lots of diverts for Ryanair this winter.
I doubt they do runway repairs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, so it's just midweek and hopefully the start time for works will be after the final arrival.

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according to some people, you only need 1 day in each of the Yorkshire Dales, North Wales and Lake District "to have seen it all". Which is why its minibus tour number 3 this year of the Yorkshire Dales for me on 16th October. Different routes and different things to see each tour.
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