I checked the ISS position and its track is nowhere near the UK and at the time was out in the middle of the pacific. It was the appearance of a smooth acceleration before it vanished that was puzzling. If it was a sattellite I suppose it could have been atmospherics which affected it, but it certainly looked like a solid object.
Early yesterday evening in the vicinity of Bath a helicopter was transmitting a non-standard radio message that gave rise to a possible hijack situation.

Two Typhoon Eurofighters were scrambled and caused a sonic boom that was heard over a large part of the West Country, South Midlands and Thames Valley.

The event turned out to have an innocent explanation.

Because some claim to have seen a mysterious object in the vicinity of the fighters the conspiracy theorists are having a field day.

This link is to a local newspaper 'report' and an embedded short video of part of the incident.

http://www.thisisbath.co.uk/Fighter-jet ... story.html
Pilot reports ‘near-miss with UFO’ flying into Heathrow

A pilot flying a plane into Heathrow has reported a near miss with a mystery ‘rugby ball-shaped’ UFO, it has been reported.

The captain told the aviation authorities the object came within a few feet of his passenger jet, the Telegraph said this morning.

He said he was certain the object was going to crash into the A320 Airbus, which was cruising at 34,000ft, around 20 miles west of the airport.

It has seen a report into the incident, which took place at around. 6.35pm on July 13 last yearr

Read more: http://www.london24.com/news/quirky_lon ... _1_3177421
UFO disrupts flights at Bremen airport in Germany

Flights were disrupted when a UFO appeared on radars at a German airport, police have said.

The unidentified aircraft cancelled one flight, diverted another and caused delays at Bremen airport.

The airport said the UFO showed up on its radar several times between 16h30 and 21h30 local time.

Read more: http://www.euronews.com/2014/01/07/ufo- ... n-germany/
Ibiza holiday jet in near miss with UFO over Reading

A Thomas Cook airliner flying holidaymakers home from Ibiza to Manchester passes "within feet" of a UFO

The Telegraph has established the aircraft was an A320, with the registration G-KKAZ, which was made in 2003

The captain of a Thomas Cook airliner flying tourists back from the Spanish holiday island to the north of England reported a "near miss" with a "rugby ball"-shaped UFO, which passed within feet of his jet.

Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop ... ading.html
This rugby ball shaped UFO keeps making an appearance. There must be something in it.
New footage of mysterious vapour trails beneath aircraft taking off from Manchester airport September 2015.

The footage is titled "what was that", maybe they don't want to be seen as reporting a UFO?
Came across this disclosure by a former member of the Canadian Ministry of Defence reporting on the existence of extraterrestrials, four different species to be precise. It's amazing how something like this can go completely uncovered by news agencies when strictly speaking it is probably the most important disclosure human beings are likely to ever hear.

I have a vague recollection of Paul Hellyer on Russia Today (RT), one of the Freeview tv channels, saying much the same thing there. A quick look at his background shows he was the Canadian Defence Minister from 1963 until 1967 and hasn't been in any national government office since 1974. So he certainly wouldn't be in possession of any up-to-date information gained through official channels.

He seems to have become 'converted' to his views on extra terrestrials after reading books on the subject, having before that seen a UFO which he discounted at the time.

He'll be 93 next month and has led a varied political life since his days in office. He's been something of an original thinker on other subjects whilst in politics.

I became confused by his suddenly switching from a discourse on alien beings regularly visiting Earth, with one example showing them co-operating with the US military, to a belief that there is a group of highly placed individuals intent on forming an unelected and unaccountable world government, whose interest lies in suppressing information about extra terrestrials' regular visits to this planet.

People will believe or not believe what he says probably according to how they view the subject generally.
I kind of agree with you. I was showing the other half the Youtube video. The first thing she said was, "he's in his 90's, he's losing his marbles."

As somebody who has seen something that I would regarded as a UFO I have found myself constantly looking for answers. I'm not necessarily saying I believe in "little green men", but I do believe there must be something out there, even if it's more advanced technology than the general populous are aware of.

Certainly, for me the parliamentary speech in Canada it's probably the closest we've got to receiving answers on the matter. I think there will always be problems with credibility whoever says "Beings from another world exist." Lets face it, our politicians struggle to gain the public trust with day to day issues, let alone something on this scale.

I think it's worth noting that Paul Hellyer didn't receive any negative heckling through his speech, in fact he received an applause at one point so the Canadian Parliament must have a degree of trust in his integrity.
A few years ago I was travelling back from a night out in Solihull with a mate when the topic of conversation turned to other life in the universe. My mate (who I know for a fact wouldn't make it up) went on to tell me about an incident that he had witnessed around 40 years ago. At the time he lived in a small row of cottages at Packington next to the Earl of Aylesfords estate and had just returned home on his bicycle. He paused for a second trying to decide whether to go and see his uncle who had a smallholding directly behind his house when from behind his uncles barn appeared a craft, circular in shape with coloured lights around its circumference. It made absolutely no sound as it glided slowly past at what he estimated was no more than 100 ft. He watched it as it as it crossed the road and headed off over the Packington Estate in the direction of the NEC and airport.
On another occasion my late father told me that he was out in the back garden on a clear winters night when he looked up at a passing aircraft, as he was looking skywards he noticed two white lights very high in the sky which were slowly converging, when they became one they shot off at incredible speed and had disappeared from view in a couple of seconds.
The closest thing to a UFO I have ever seen happened on a flight out of Coventry airport on an Air Atlantique Dakota. It was a bonfire night pleasure flight over the Warwickshire countryside and was about halfway through when I noticed passing under us was around 8 orange balls of light in a perfect arrow formation. After landing I asked the pilots if they had seen it to which they said yes but couldn't offer an explanation. After thinking about it I came to the conclusion that they were probably geese frightened by fireworks and appeared orange due to the sodium lighting from the outskirts of Coventry.

Some of our South West users may be interested in this UFO sighting near Longleat.
Ah, back to the Warminster UFO phenomenon that was all the rage in the 1960s.

Another UFO sighting, this time at Amsterdam airport. The footage was apparently taken by an aviation enthusiast filming aircraft departing when an orb-like object passes from left to right.

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Jon Dempsey wrote on HPsauce's profile.
Hi, I was born and lived in B36 for a long time - Lindale Avenue, just around the corner from Hodge Hill Comp.
I just noticed your postcode on a post.

Do you still live in the area?
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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
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