Interesting story of a JAL cargo B747 that encountered two UFOs.

I like the Flight Channel that describes major aviaton incidents, often air crashes, using computer generated images that I find helps with the understanding of the event.

The content of this video is a bit different to their usual offering.
I saw a policemen wearing a Gladstone hat, the traditional bobby's helmet, people emerged from their homes with their smartphones to record the event !! UFO perhaps?

I have followed this topic since the week Diana died after seeing something unbelievable. The topic gets more interesting as time goes by and now with this revaluation.

Supposedly the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have played a part in this cover-up of retrieved "extraterrestrial ufos" as part of a group called the "Five Eyes".
I think the key word is 'supposedly" having quick read through the article I can't see any actual evidence.

Personally given the infertesimal size of space its unconcievable there is not life forms out there intelligent or otherwise but no hard evidence has ever been produced and for the sake of the human race its arguable that its better we are never visited by more intelligent beings given the way evolution works, think what happened to the Neanderthals once homo sapiens appeared - extinction!

The "FiveEyes" for those who are not aware is a long established group of trusted Western nations who share amongst each other their most detailed and secret intelligence information regarding other countries who would wish us harm.

The Five Eyes all anglo saxon are the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Congress men or MP,s however senior would not be privy to this information. Presidents,Prime Ministers, certain senior ministers and intelligence/ military top dogs only would see this information.

All in all its a fascinating subject but gets tangled in too many conspiracy type theories.
Supposedly the evidence can't be shared publically because the whistleblower would be divulging information covered by top secret status. The fascinating thing about this case is the Congress investigators say there have been several different people come forward so far, some with first hand evidence. Many years ago there was a guy called Bob Lazar who went on TV to say he had worked at bunker reverse engineering ET technology. He had numerous polygraph tests which suggested he was telling the truth or at least he certainly believed he was.
I largely agree with rollo on this. Whilst there are billions of stars (just in our own galaxy),each having planetary systems, would indicate a good chance of extra terrestrial life, the absolutely immense distances (even to our nearest stars) would act as a major barrier to travel between them. It's quite possible that there is other life within our own solar system (such as on the moons Europa and Enceladus), it's highly unlikely to be 'intelligent'. This would mean that any visiting aliens would have to come from much further afield. This would require technology so phenomenally advanced compared to our own that in the words of the late Arthur C Clarke, it would be 'indistinguishable from magic'.
If aliens had this sort of technology, why would so many supposedly crash when they got here? Or, their craft get captured. They would have no fear of our weapons.
I've spent many thousands of hours staring skywards (both day and night), and I've never seen anything that I couldn't explain.. In the true sense of investigation, don't go with an idea in your head and look for evidence to support it. Go with an open mind, gather as much evidence as possible (from all sides) and see where it leads.
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what an idiot. ufo means unidentified. How you can go from that to say well it must be this is quite dense. By definition you don’t know what it is. Any statement of what it is beyond that is pure guesswork at best.
what an idiot. ufo means unidentified. How you can go from that to say well it must be this is quite dense. By definition you don’t know what it is. Any statement of what it is beyond that is pure guesswork at best.
Funny how when working for government agencies these people giggle when asked about UFOs but as soon as they leave they say they are real and potentially dangerous!
I don't think I'd go so far as to call him an 'idiot'. His credentials seem to stack up quite well -

Reading his Tweet (are they still called that now they are known as 'X'?), at no point does he refer to 'UFO's' as 'Alien' . He just says they are 'unfriendly advanced technology' and may be of Chinese origin.
I'm unable to read any further, as I don't have an X (Twitter) account.
I don't think I'd go so far as to call him an 'idiot'. His credentials seem to stack up quite well -

Reading his Tweet (are they still called that now they are known as 'X'?), at no point does he refer to 'UFO's' as 'Alien' . He just says they are 'unfriendly advanced technology' and may be of Chinese origin.
I'm unable to read any further, as I don't have an X (Twitter) account.
The US MOD now openly admit UFOs exsist They say these objects / craft can travel at thousands of miles per hour and come to a standstill in a millisecond. If China has this technology we need to be very worried!
I don't think I'd go so far as to call him an 'idiot'. His credentials seem to stack up quite well -

Reading his Tweet (are they still called that now they are known as 'X'?), at no point does he refer to 'UFO's' as 'Alien' . He just says they are 'unfriendly advanced technology' and may be of Chinese origin.
I'm unable to read any further, as I don't have an X (Twitter) account.

If he has evidence of either he should says so. Otherwise it’s simply argument from ignorance to start going on about what they are when quite simply they are unidentified and unexplained. So yes as a scientist I would say he is an idiot regardless of his credentials. You don’t say “I don’t know what this is …. so it must be this”.

The US MOD now openly admit UFOs exsist They say these objects / craft can travel at thousands of miles per hour and come to a standstill in a millisecond. If China has this technology we need to be very worried!

Unidentified flying objects have always existed. We see things all the time we can’t explain. The rest of it is mere guesswork unless you can actually produce evidence.
Unidentified flying objects have always existed. We see things all the time we can’t explain. The rest of it is mere guesswork unless you can actually produce evidence.
If you are aloud to produce evidence that is! In recent weeks US intel officer and whistle-blower David Grusch said "the US government is holding non-human tech and biologics". He has been prevented from giving the *actual evidence* at a US Congress hearing after the use of special SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) used to discuss top secret information was denied. The constant refusal to allow the whistle-blower access to the use of a SCIF itself suggests the US does have something to hide. Interestingly it was the US Attorney General who was originally approached who told the US congress there were significant concerns which is how the Congress hearing came about. The US Attorney General has been given the first hand evidence which has not yet been shared with the US Congress due to the absence of a SCIF.

One things for sure is it is fascinating watching this all unfold but I expect the unelected powers that be will quietly put this to bed and that's where it will be left until another day.
if we really were being visited by aliens there would be evidence unless they are for some reason only heading to USAF air bases. this really is conspiracy theory nonsense i am afraid.

if we really were being visited by aliens there would be evidence unless they are for some reason only heading to USAF air bases. this really is conspiracy theory nonsense i am afraid.
Can't agree or disagree, how can we if the evidence is being blocked.
Can't agree or disagree, how can we if the evidence is being blocked.

yes, because if it was happening the only evidence would be held with the USAF, and they would have never visited anywhere else in the world. come on.
Look over there whilst we screw you over. Perfect distraction for the horrendously lousy pathetic criminal worst US president Biden. Corrupt to the core and well let's face it a criminal. I would call him something else which there is evidence of but think google won't be happy with me.

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