The last couple of weeks has seen a second round of congressional hearings with further Pentagon officials testifying their knowledge of hidden black budget research into what they call UAP or UFOs.

This week has seen so called "drones" seen over US/UK military bases in the UK. When asked UK and US officials have given very little away. Can it really be that hard to find the user of a "drone"? More to the point, why aren't we bringing them down?

The last 24 hours has seen reports of an orb descending through the clouds and hovering above a taxiway at Manchester airport. The reports say when an airport ops vehicle approached the orb, it took off virtically and disappeared. The incident was filmed by airline crew.

Edit: This may have happened in June according to some reports.

#UFO #UAP #Manchester #ManchesterAirport
But is is project blue beam (research it) or are they real? ;) ;)

For me it feels a lot like “look over here at the aliens whilst we do some illegal things that could bring us to the brink of nuclear destruction over there”
But is is project blue beam (research it) or are they real? ;) ;)

For me it feels a lot like “look over here at the aliens whilst we do some illegal things that could bring us to the brink of nuclear destruction over there”
Who knows. I'm just putting it out there so people can do their own research.
I think there has to be something out there, just not sure what. Are these sightings hostile or just purely morbid curiousity by other life forms? In just the same way us humans try to explore further and further. Whatever it is, one thing I do know it is way beyond my levels of comprehension
The US government say the UFO/UAP are real but they fall short of saying they are ET. The accounts from the recent hearing suggests there is nothing man made that could stand the G forces involved.

But is is project blue beam (research it) or are they real? ;) ;)

For me it feels a lot like “look over here at the aliens whilst we do some illegal things that could bring us to the brink of nuclear destruction over there”
Did you look at the Manchester Airport images? My initial thoughts were CGI but then after viewing the footage taken by one of the pilots who saw the orb I'm more convinced. Very interesting.
The last couple of weeks has seen a second round of congressional hearings with further Pentagon officials testifying their knowledge of hidden black budget research into what they call UAP or UFOs.

This week has seen so called "drones" seen over US/UK military bases in the UK. When asked UK and US officials have given very little away. Can it really be that hard to find the user of a "drone"? More to the point, why aren't we bringing them down?

The last 24 hours has seen reports of an orb descending through the clouds and hovering above a taxiway at Manchester airport. The reports say when an airport ops vehicle approached the orb, it took off virtically and disappeared. The incident was filmed by airline crew.

Edit: This may have happened in June according to some reports.

#UFO #UAP #Manchester #ManchesterAirport
Some photos have been edited to make the object look like a solid sphere but in the unedited footage it looks much more like a blob.

My instinct says it was a helium balloon. Especially as people said it came down through the clouds - I’ve seen plenty of helium party balloons going up and coming down in my neighbourhood. As for it taking off again, that could be caused by a gust of wind or jet blast.

The weather certainly looks stormy in the photos and we all know what airports are like in stormy conditions.

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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
Aviador wrote on SNOWMAN's profile.
Thanks for the support @SNOWMAN
Well over 4 million steps taken this year already. And about 12,500 photos.
The joys of travel. Train from Edinburgh to Leeds is cancelled so having another night in Edinburgh and heading back in the morning!
Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.
A week off work done which resulted in 6 day trips , 50 miles walked and only 2500 photos, Going to work is more of a holiday as I tended to be out of my flat an hour earlies in my week off and back for after 8pm

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