Updated file to include movements for May from the CAA.

Obviously Jet2 are have a big impact on the passenger figures.
They have been well received . Also the new Easyjet routes to Tunisia an Egypt have had high load factors. Interestingly I wonder if Turkey will stay as popular a colleague said food a drink there had gone up a lot.
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A comparison of statistics for June 2019 v 2024 is now available post #32 via the link below:

Any individual airport data will be uploaded over the next few days.
Good question! I was in a bit of a hurry last night (too much) and so must have missed half the data. Just back from voluntary work on a narrowboat but will sort it after tea.
Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways.

Updated version of the June data:

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A comparison for figures July 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 are available at the following link:

It does appear here , but the Egyptian routes have done exceedingly well, I forget which but one has 100 % LF .
According to social media Liverpool has just passed 4M passengers last weekend.
Jet2 presence has proved popular, with LF of 86 % on shared routes and 87 % on sole routes for July.

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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
Aviador wrote on SNOWMAN's profile.
Thanks for the support @SNOWMAN
Well over 4 million steps taken this year already. And about 12,500 photos.
The joys of travel. Train from Edinburgh to Leeds is cancelled so having another night in Edinburgh and heading back in the morning!
Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.
A week off work done which resulted in 6 day trips , 50 miles walked and only 2500 photos, Going to work is more of a holiday as I tended to be out of my flat an hour earlies in my week off and back for after 8pm

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