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- #41
Interesting, although Wiki is notoriously unreliable with this sort of thing and it wouldn't be the first time that CWL has been the victim of spoofers with false route announcements.
If it is a spoof the fact that separate starting dates have been shown for the different routes means it's more elaborate than before, so there might be something in it.
IF this is true and it still is an IF because i've just checked Ryanairs website and still only Dublin and Tenerife come up. I would've thought the airport would make a big fan fair about it with Roger Lewis trying to get as much press time as possible! I did tweet Cardiff airport about it but no answer yet! Though they might be busy with everyone moaning about the CWL-LCY flights!I am very weary of this on Wiki, given the reputation for unreliability of the site. I am sure that I saw MoL stating that he was going to cut back on expansion from UK bases and concentrate on expansion at bases who remain in the EU. I guess we'll just have to see
Because of the staggered dates i would suggest that the flights would be connected to new aircraft being delivered to Faro Girona and Malaga which are Ryanair bases. Ryanair can expand their routes to and from the UK without basing aircraft in the UK. I know they are technically an Irish airline but in reality they are a European airline and with the routes they've picked and depending on frequencies there should be more than enough potential pax to support Ryanair Vueling and Flybe on these routes. Especially if Ryanair succeeds in bringing over Welsh pax who use Easyjet for these routes from BRS.