Some rumours on the other forum of a possible reincarnation of the Paris route, no idea of the operator.
Interesting, i wonder which airline would look at it? Ryanair? Air France?
If HOP were to take it on, that would enable CWL to have a service to another worldwide hub. FR would probably generate a lot more passengers though.
If HOP were to take it on, that would enable CWL to have a service to another worldwide hub. FR would probably generate a lot more passengers though.
They are the only 2 i can think of who the airport could potentially attract, i can't see Vueling returning on it. With HOP there would be a potential linking in with KLM especially if there's future restrictions at AMS.
Given that it is sometimes up to 5 daily at BRS, then it’s desperately overdue…
Which possibly might help too put off some airlines but hopefully we'll see it return.
I wonder if Ryanair would consider reinstating the Tenerife route this winter, seeing as they have reopened their crew base at TFS.
If they are going to add a route then i'd have thought Tenerife would be the most likely.
FR don’t operate to CDG or ORY, but to BVA … Not sure there’s enough P2P demand for that on a daily schedule with a B738.

Hop would be the logical one, but i wouldn’t understand why the AF/KLM group would want to dilute their transit operation at AMS (which it will).

I can’t really see who else would pick this up … Open to some wildcard suggestions!
Hop would be the logical one, but i wouldn’t understand why the AF/KLM group would want to dilute their transit operation at AMS (which it will).
The AF/KLM is essentially the same operation, the profits go too the same place but i'd expect HOP would be an option if KLM were slot restricted at AMS due to movement restrictions.
That’s a wildcard, unless it’s for the RWC only, then I don’t see how that one could be operated (As far as i’m aware they don’t have a base at either Paris airport).
That’s a wildcard, unless it’s for the RWC only, then I don’t see how that one could be operated (As far as i’m aware they don’t have a base at either Paris airport).
The destinations they seem to operate too Paris are from Italy.
My thoughts exactly. They don't have a base at either CDG or ORY, but they do operate routes to them from other bases that are relatively short routes that could mean crews could do double sectors. The A319 would be a better fit capacity wise too.
Looking at their schedules there a Saturday flight Ancona (Italy) - Orly that has a 9 hour gap between arriving at Orly to departing back to Ancona. Obviously there could be any number of reasons for this, like a charter flight. But the scope to operate XXX-ORY-CWL-ORY-XXX to most of their bases with the same crew would fit.
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If the CDG routes returns a codeshare with AF would be a great help. Additional connectivity for South Wales.
If CWL could get a daily to FRA that would be amazing too. You cannot grow an economy with zero connectivity.
Would FRA be a hub too much though for an airport the size of Cardiff especially if Doha returns in 2024?

If CWL had 3 daily AMS, potentially 1 daily CDG and 5-7 weekly DOH then would FRA be viable? Would a route like Munich be better?
Either of the main Lufthansa hubs would be beneficial. This is not just about people and business in South Wales, this about the relationship that Wales can have with the rest of the world and the ability to trade, import/export, tourism opportunities etc. The better connected the area is the better it’s economy performs.
It's all well and good having loads of connections, if you have the people to use them.
KLM have struggled to get back up to pre-2019 capacity which speaks volumes. QR has to succeed if/when they return. I would be concerned about diluting the market too much having another connection option to DOH and AMS.
AMS is truggling due to other factors at Amsterdam. However, it may indicate that the South Wales economy is up the spout. Lack of inward investment, little job creation. Maybe there is little need for DOH or even a CDG route.
Very good programme from ITV Wales about Cardiff Airport and the challenges it faces 10 years on from it's purchase by the Welsh Government.
In the ITV programme Spencer Birns mentions getting back to 50 direct routes by 2026. Is that actually possible?
These are some of the routes CWL had pre pandemic that it might need to regain too achieve that. I personally don't see many of these routes being possible from Cardiff anymore, for various reason's. Is 40 a more realistic target?
UK and Ireland
Montego Bay
If only the airport could boost the number of winter flights including Ski flights, it would make a big difference to the CWL yearly passenger figures. I'm sure they are trying their best, there seems to be more enthusiasm there now after the terrible time of the pandemic.
If only the airport could boost the number of winter flights including Ski flights, it would make a big difference to the CWL yearly passenger figures. I'm sure they are trying their best, there seems to be more enthusiasm there now after the terrible time of the pandemic.
The challenge for the airport is who they can get too provide those flights. TUI seem happy what they are offering, Vueling seem the same as TUI. They might get Ryanair too offer Tenerife now they've reopened the base there.
With ski flights what's the realistic option? TUI don't seem interested in offering Chambery, it might be a tall order for the airport too attract flights too Geneva with an airline like Easyjet Switzerland or Swiss Air. Innsbruck and Munich are other potential options but airlines too operate from them are going to be a struggle. Can we really see Lufthansa group looking too operate flights too Cardiff from either of them?
Long haul wise with cruise flights could we see Montego Bay resuming in the future?

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