Another route to "Connect" to long haul. Perhaps it is a sign of things to come with how they intend to grow the overall group. Yes I know this is Virgin itself with TLV but may just be a pointer in their longer term thinking. A good route too in my eyes
Another route to "Connect" to long haul. Perhaps it is a sign of things to come with how they intend to grow the overall group. Yes I know this is Virgin itself with TLV but may just be a pointer in their longer term thinking. A good route too in my eyes
I also think it helps that the Israeli government are giving airlines money €60 I think it is for every arriving passenger to encourage people to visit the country. And the added bonus is that it can connect to the US flights as well.
Very ambisous plan. WOW can’t believe they are planning to launch Kolkata and Bangalore dream come true for me a direct service to Kolkata (Even though it’s from Heathrow :smuggrin:) but non the less would be a great flight with a truly amazing airline I’m dying to fly with.

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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
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The joys of travel. Train from Edinburgh to Leeds is cancelled so having another night in Edinburgh and heading back in the morning!
Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.

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