They tend to do both more destinations with lower frequencies but if the route does well they also add more frequencies.
They tend to do both more destinations with lower frequencies but if the route does well they also add more frequencies.
So for example.Tenerife I expect to go daily next summer also a big increase on Krakow.The majority of new routes for next summer will likely be from Ema at my own guess
Rumours are SDR, ARN and TLS are to be axed completely so they will need to replaced first. I think ARN will be replaced by CPH that’s if the rumours are correct. At the moment they’ll leave Tenerife alone and look new markets that not served or completely underserved.
The one market that they’ll definitely won’t get in to is Iceland as it’s just too expensive for them.
It would be gutting to lose any of those routes completely, but especially ARN, a route we have always struggled to retain in a part of Europe BHX massively underserve.... especially if we than have SAS/EZY/RYR all on CPH... someone will lose out, and i suspect SAS will give up the fight...

I wonder what its is with BHX and Scandinavian routes... at the moment, ARN is the only scheduled route throughout Sweden, Norway and Finland.
Rumours are SDR, ARN and TLS are to be axed completely so they will need to replaced first. I think ARN will be replaced by CPH that’s if the rumours are correct. At the moment they’ll leave Tenerife alone and look new markets that not served or completely underserved.
The one market that they’ll definitely won’t get in to is Iceland as it’s just too expensive for them.
Replace Santander with a route that with Funchal and Stockholm for Oslo and Toulouse for Marseille

You really should add Perpignan ,Turin and Grenoble to the selection of axed routes in my view.Dreadful prices and dreadful loads of noticed especially Christmas time.
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It would be gutting to lose any of those routes completely, but especially ARN, a route we have always struggled to retain in a part of Europe BHX massively underserve.... especially if we than have SAS/EZY/RYR all on CPH... someone will lose out, and i suspect SAS will give up the fight...

I wonder what its is with BHX and Scandinavian routes... at the moment, ARN is the only scheduled route throughout Sweden, Norway and Finland.
It’s just so expensive to operate in region, unfortunately it nearly impossible to make profit. When Ryanair first opened it’s base before it was reopened. They paid staff so low they had to basically live in the crew room because they couldn’t afford to pay bills or accommodation even then they was losing money I’m actually surprised the base is still open now.
Copenhagen has a lot of mention for this winter and I find it interesting.Just remember though.Its a connection airport so that’s probably why for all popular demand
But if both easyJet and Ryanair operate twice weekly that an extra 750 seats a week on top of SAS who seems to have added more SAS Link Emb 195 flights
I wonder what its is with BHX and Scandinavian routes... at the moment, ARN is the only scheduled route throughout Sweden, Norway and Finland.
It’s a market that’s always struggled so I don’t hold out much hope for any major Scandinavian expansion. I’m really baffled at the sudden jump in capacity up the road to Oslo, five carriers and up to seven flights a day some days this winter. I don’t think Oslo is that big a market to warrant such competition? Norway is also very, very expensive. If EasyJet launch CPH I fully expect Ryanair to do the same which as you say could see SAS give up and concentrate north and south.
I would get rid of Turin and Grenoble personally.Routes that hardly sell out
You might want to know the yield first.

Regarding Scandinavia igenerally its eye wateringly expensive and not likely suit to the ops of Ryanair etc or their passengers profile.
It’s all well and good Ryanair making routes cheap however if you want demand on every flight then you really need to desperately advertise these routes
Ironically... with airlines like Ryanair who often create demand rather than stimulate it, they often don't need advertise new routes... with the likes of the Ryanair website, googleflights and skyscanner, people no find the routes the want, rather than the airline or route they think they need, especially younger passangers.
Even in case of Turin and Grenoble, Ryanair makes more revenue a few different ways like charging £45 for skis per person and but also when someone breaks their leg Ryanair will still charge them for the extra seat.
Even in case of Turin and Grenoble, Ryanair makes more revenue a few different ways like charging £45 for skis per person and but also when someone breaks their leg Ryanair will still charge them for the extra seat.
That’s true.My point was more based on routes that could exceed bhxs standards,More demand at a cheap cost .For example Barcelona a good city break with great attractions with it being a cheap cost of £25 one way .

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