Well, it's possible but - atleast in my view- unlikely. Jet Airways are hardly in the same league as Monarch.
But the mere threat hardly engenders passenger confidence, does it?
I'd forgotten the link with Etihad as well.
It is malicious from some forces in India and Malaysia trying to get their stock price to fall through the floor . The company has three months cash reserves that’s plenty and more that most companies hold !

They are working on restructuring and unlike Monarch aren’t about to get their licence and bonds revoked any time soon !

They have also very much moved away from the day to day control from the desert and whilst this has a short term effect on Cashflow it will lead to longer term stability.

Wonder if BHX492 has a personal interest in promoting this rather low risk of failure in support a certain other sub continental carrier with even more dire financial structural and managerial problems such that their major shareholder remain unable to find companies willing to tender for a significant stake !
The same thing happened with monarch thought

But MON only just survived the previous year plus the fact they served a different market

As an aside, interesting the original link of a negative story should come from a BHX contributor. I suspect there would be all manner of complaints if someone from the MAN thread dared to post something of that nature on the BHX forum. But we'll let that pass. It is an important story but which hopefully will not become a reality.
You can almost feel the excitement from some at the prospect of Manchester suffering a Primera-style situation and losing its coveted Mumbai nonstop!
BHX492 appears to have posted same link on dried fruit Manchester under another alias.

Again the sources are totally unverifiable . And the only thing possible the risk of strike action from a few lower ranking crew if wage cuts were to be enforced.

BTW most of the groups losses are over at the regional Jetlite operation the management wanted to close/merge back into mainline not so long ago. A move the Indian Aviation ministry blocked - they are the epitome of useless beaurocrats
Doesn't matter who posted it, it's still relevant news.
And in my opinion i wouldn't be surprised if Delta Airlines ends up buying shares in Jet Airways as they are a key part of their US to India market.
Jerry it’s relevent if it also points the reader to read and look elsewhere research and consider the facts via reputable media and business columns and nuance the underlying comment and article writers biases.

Indian media isn’t known for much in the way of creditability !

Again of the two major Indian international carriers the financial numbers would suggest Jet isn’t the weakest or at risk of closure any time soon.

That other carrier only survives on political advantage and favouritism period - if it weren’t for those very reasons and particularly local pressure the none stop Amritsar flight wouldn’t have ever started left to aviation and profit lead airline executives!

4 from DMA could have looked elsewhere for other links if he wanted to.

He is rather parochial rather like a few over the Pennines.

BTW Jerry I don’t live anywhere near Manchester haven’t for 23 years however do have a business interest in South Manchester and Kent .

My nearest runway is 4 mile south of my home in North West London and it’s shared military/civil airfield . 27R at Heathrow is just a few miles further south.

I travel an average of 140 miles each day just to get the my offices.

I am a prominent backer of expanded regional aviation don’t like the bribe based legacy Hub and Spoke model and yes would be severely inconvenienced and have my life directly disrupted by R3.
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Rutamkrd, may I suggest you make your excellent points on the dried fruit MAN forum
as well. It is more 'speculation' than 'news' I agree.
Wonder if BHX492 has a personal interest in promoting this rather low risk of failure in support a certain other sub continental carrier with even more dire financial structural and managerial problems such that their major shareholder remain unable to find companies willing to tender for a significant stake !

I was only seeing what you thought about it

BHX492 appears to have posted same link on dried fruit Manchester under another alias.
It was not me I don’t use dried fruit
Indian media isn’t known for much in the way of creditability !
Whether it's news or speculation it's still valid only criticism of the poster that could be made is that it could be more a post for the Jet Airways thread in the Worldwide forum.
As for the Times of India i don't know what type of paper it is but i would've posted the link if it was me.
interesting take in the video..declining rupee plus higher fuel and lower seat prices without Government backing, looks like a perfect storm. Time will tell as they say
Staying impartial on this at the moment, however I agree that this should perhaps have been better discussed in the, Jet Airways Worldwide forum.
Yes it may effect Manchester but at the moment it is speculation and the route has not even started. The fact that Jet are already looking at increasing the frequency is positive news and bodes well for the future. As has been previously said the other Indian long-haul carrier appears to still have political support (be that good or bad depending on your viewpoint) but time will tell as to how things work out.

In the meantime let's all take a "chill pill" and revisit this particular part of the discussion at Christmas - by which time we'll know exactly what is, or has, happened to Jet Airways.

Personally I would suggest that, whilst leaving this discussion here for all to see, you debate the airline's future on the Worldwide forum where you'll hopefully find input from a wider and less passionate membership! I've copied the relevant parts of this discussion over there.

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Oops not paying attention, i only have time to just skip through these threads as they tend to drift leaving the facts buried.
No problem. Actually, it only made some of the main news media yesterday including the M.E.N.

Let's hope the financial issues reported about Jet were exaggerated or are being resolved. It's important the new MAN route gets off to a good start and the added frequency is certainly a positive sign.
Confirmation from the start of season Winter 2018 ACL report:

Flight operates from Terminal 2 with arrival 0755z and departure 0935 on Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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