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Primarily a Friday and Saturday night thread for people to discuss their favourite tipples. Their latest Gin or Whisky collection or maybe the local ale.
Paella and Malbec again this evening.

I've just opened a Kumala Sauvignon Blanc Semillion and rather nice it is too (y)

Mrs F is having a Salted Caramel Baileys, despite her constant attempts to get me onto it I still can't stand the stuff :yuck:
Are you keen on brandy or port, Ray?

I am definitely partial to a nice brandy, for me only trumped in the spirit world by a single malt whisky. I've not long finished a bottle of Three Barrels which was very nice indeed.

I do also like a drop of port from time to time, especially during the winter. Last year we had a few nights in Porto and indulged in our fair share of samples from the many tasting houses along the banks of the Douro. A wonderful experience that we must repeat.
We mean to go to Porto. We've done Lisbon which was marvellous and really must visit Porto. It's one of Bristol's twin cities, with the port wine trade between the two going back hundreds of years. I'm told that Porto is also the origin of Harvey's Bristol Cream sherry.

I drank some Grahams 1963 Vintage Tawny Port on my flight back from Australia recently. I don't know if the pressure in the cabin affects the taste of port but, although extremely acceptable, I couldn't really discern much difference between it and a decent bottle bought in a supermarket. Then again, I'm probably a philistine when it comes to such matters and my palate is not sufficiently educated.

I'm certainly partial to brandy and whisky (and whiskey). After a special meal I enjoy some port then brandy. I don't smoke so cigars are not on my agenda, although many would enjoy one after such a meal.

I like Three Barrels brandy. A friend of mine was once rather sniffy about it when the subject came up. I didn't tell him I had some but when he and his wife come for a meal I always pour the spirits from a decanter. On one occasion he was particularly impressed with the brandy. He asked me what it was and I feigned forgetfulness, saying I'd purchased it some time ago and couldn't remember. It was Three Barrels.
No posts since Saturday! We are slacking, or maybe people are resting their livers for Christmas?

Anyway the bad news it that I'm currently sipping Three Barrels Brandy and it's all your fault.

Heartfelt apologies. It was certainly not our intention to push you into something you might regret, but then again we didn't did we?

Mrs Yokel and I visited a Wetherspoon in the fair but tiny city of Wells, Somerset on Tuesday afternoon and enjoyed one of their mixed grills - well two actually, one each. We'd been walking the Mendip Hills and were using the bus so were able to complement the meal with a bottle of Hardys Pinot Grigio which wasn't at all bad.
This week I have been suffering from a case of acute man flu which has taken longer than usual to clear.

I'm coming out the other side now and am hoping to feel well enough for a glass or two of red later.
Ardmore single malt for me this evening

Delicious (y)

I'm going to open a bottle of red, purely for medicinal purposes

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The joys of travel. Train from Edinburgh to Leeds is cancelled so having another night in Edinburgh and heading back in the morning!
Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.

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