3 days to use up non-barcoded stamps :wideyed:

I wasn't aware of this -

If you've got a lot of the old style stamps left and not many letters to send, you could always do what my cousin did when he was inter railing. He and his friend sat in a bar, peeling apart cardboard beer mats. They then wrote addresses on them (the white side), attached a stamp and posted them. I think the truth was it was cheaper than buying postcards.
3 days to use up non-barcoded stamps :wideyed:

I wasn't aware of this -

If you've got a lot of the old style stamps left and not many letters to send, you could always do what my cousin did when he was inter railing. He and his friend sat in a bar, peeling apart cardboard beer mats. They then wrote addresses on them (the white side), attached a stamp and posted them. I think the truth was it was cheaper than buying postcards.

Taken from the article:

"However, commemorative and non-barcoded Christmas stamps will still be valid.
People can swap their old stamps for barcoded stamps through Royal Mail's Swap Out scheme, where there is no deadline for exchange."

So you should be able to send them to Royal Mail and get them exchanged :)
Cleaning the kitchen yesterday, I noticed an unusual spider. It was about 2cm in length, a dark colour, but had distinctive white band around it's abdomen. I had an idea of what it was and looking it up today has confirmed my suspicion. It was a False Widow! Not deadly like the Black Widow, but can apparently give you an uncomfortable bite (ALL spiders can bite). It was invited to go outside (but has probably already made it's way back into the house).
Cleaning the kitchen yesterday, I noticed an unusual spider. It was about 2cm in length, a dark colour, but had distinctive white band around it's abdomen. I had an idea of what it was and looking it up today has confirmed my suspicion. It was a False Widow! Not deadly like the Black Widow, but can apparently give you an uncomfortable bite (ALL spiders can bite). It was invited to go outside (but has probably already made it's way back into the house).

My brother had one of those in his room, needless to say it got evicted after he deemed it was getting too big to live in the corner of his room ceiling!
Is it the false widow that comes from the Canaries?
According to The Natural History Museum, there are 3 types of False Widow in the UK. The article states that the Noble False Widow is native to Madeira and the Canary Islands. First recorded in the UK in the 1870's, it was thought to have arrived on cargo ships from that region.

Another local hard hitting event for me 11 months after the last time I posted about one this time no one died. But on Friday during the School Run by my house as I live by the School there was an incident. I was initially unaware of it I heard sirens and saw a Helicopter which was an Air Ambulance that landed in a feild on Dangerfeild Lane in Darlaston. I messaged a mate as the Police were taping of the road as his Aunty had children go to the school. He later messaged me to say that two little girls aged 6 or 7 were ran over on the corner of my road and Willenhall Street and tried driving off. To cut the story short it has took by shock I'm shook by it the Girls have a broken Pelvis and Spine but are at home there isn't a crossing near to Alma Street where I live the school is on School Street which basically is a continuation. The Speed limit signs are barely visible I counted 172 steps between the first speed hump on Willenhall Street to Alma Street. The Kids have designed a 20 MPH Banner that is on the fence around the corner, a group of parents are wearing Hi Vis and helping people cross along with Staff. There was a meeting I went to where the Head teacher said she was considering spending the schools money to fund for measures. Alma Street and School Street are no access at School Run times only Residents, Delivery Drivers and Maybe the Staff are allowed the Residents have Permits. The driver who Got away with it didn't try to stop apparently has hit someone before, he wasn't Breath tested as the officers in the Estate Response Cars didn't have a Kit and asked for the Sargent. The Parents of the girls wasn't given a Log Number the Headteacher had to ask the PSCO albeit she said the main priority was getting the girls to Hospital and she followed behind. There may have been two Air Ambos I saw one but that flew back to Cosford but it is believed one girl was airlifted to Birmingham Children's Hospital. But yeah and today in the news They are having the high court hearing for the Speed Racing ban who anyone living in Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Walsall and Dudley knows about it was a thing it expired the lass I posted about died and then the Councils to be fair immediately sat down and decided to ban it again why it wasn't immediately after it expired and why wait now people could be injured. Though West Midlands Police have made it illegal for anyone to watch and take part in it and are clamping down on it. But with the incident by my house and the Street Racing it feels we live In a Action ie two girls who could have been killed and or two people who were in Street Racing Reaction society. It's a Primary School both of it's entrances and exits are bad with Moron drivers why didn't anyone think oh wait they may need help. Why didn't anyone realise Street Racing Ban injunction had expired we should probably act on that right way. It shouldn't be down to the Head teacher Parents or Residents to ask for a Crossing. And it shouldn't come down to two people losing their lives for it to be brought back. Street Racing doesn't suddenly not happen because it was banned, no the Same people doing it them just took it elsewhere and have now returned. It should be basic to help Kids Cross Safely. Still a bit shook by it to be honest I did go out last night had a few drinks and did feel better after watching the Footie, but it's like a Wave to be honest
Thank you #DarloPlaneBoy for sharing your experience and your concerns. I have always been fortunate to live in relatively trouble free areas, however I do understand how you must feel and I also appreciate your concerns for your neighbours - be they at the school or just in the area.
Take care.
Sorry to learn about your experience and even more sorry to learn of the 2 young girls injuries, but as you say, it could have been far worse. Unfortunately, the brain dead morons who take part in this street racing don't care two hoots about whether something is banned or not. They will just do what they want to do. If the Police patrol a certain area, the street racers will just move elsewhere. Hopefully, the girls will make a full recovery and not have any ongoing mental health issues.
If they catch the street racers, lock them up and throw away the key.
Sorry to learn about your experience and even more sorry to learn of the 2 young girls injuries, but as you say, it could have been far worse. Unfortunately, the brain dead morons who take part in this street racing don't care two hoots about whether something is banned or not. They will just do what they want to do. If the Police patrol a certain area, the street racers will just move elsewhere. Hopefully, the girls will make a full recovery and not have any ongoing mental health issues.
If they catch the street racers, lock them up and throw away the key.
It wasn't Street racing that caused it just a guy speeding or driving like an idiot apparently didn't even try to hit the brakes. The guy who killed Liberty was let go on Bail but was arrested this guy on Friday wasn't I saw him walk off after shaking hands with the officers. The Parents are all obviously traumatised the Head contacted the Council's department in that sort of thing to help the kids and apart from a few Educational Needs kids who blipped during the afternoon with their emotion through staff have been helping the other kids. As someone who did have Educational Needs as I am Autistic I never used to be emotional in terms of I would probably see what they did and carry on as Normal a day later. I wasn't Anxious either. However if I saw it I probably would be quite Anxious to cross the road now I already was from liberty's death as people raced down this part of the street not like racing more the speed. But If would affect me worse now I guess. I went out to see the meeting and to take my mind of it. But I guess It will take time but it is nice to see the Parents doing the Crossing Patrols not they should have to obviously.
I went out to see the meeting and to take my mind of it. But I guess It will take time
These things effect different people in different ways. The important thing is not to bottle up emotions. Talk to someone that you are close to and that you know will listen It can ease anxiety just being able to talk.

Take care

These things effect different people in different ways. The important thing is not to bottle up emotions. Talk to someone that you are close to and that you know will listen It can ease anxiety just being able to talk.

Take care

Yeah feeling better now still a bit meh I guess you could say Resigned but it ay been on my mind much I have been feeling a bit meh but not letting it dominate me. I'll still do my usual of watching the Parents cross them that warms me up knowing that they are concerned for others children as I guess everyone is at that time. I guess times like this do show how much community can rally around The Headteacher said the people of Darlaston have been brilliant supporting petitions for a crossing, asking how the girls are people offering to do Lollipop person jobs or crossing patrols and just a general sense of Ok this should not happen but what are we going to do. And you do have to look at it positively the girls ay dead, the Parents and community are pulling together, the girls are back at home smiling, none of the kids as the Head said have really been affected and they are being supported. All we need know is Walsall Council to try and listen to the head who for many years has campaigned for safety it took her ages to make my street residents only at school times even receiving hate mail of a Parent and prevent it happening again. But yeah the Parents and school are cracking on so Should I
I've just seen a Badger by my house!

That's the third time in the last couple of months. I was just returning home from the local shop, and only had to cross the cul-de-sac to my front door, when the Badger went bounding across in front of me (L to R). It couldn't have been more than 10 metres away. When the weather's better, I'll have to wait out with my camera.

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