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Found this YouTube channel this morning. I so want one of these. It's a must watch...

Basically this bloke makes a bunker under his back garden. Totally crazy.
Woman puts Gorilla Glue in her hair instead of gel

Are people really so stupid?

The guy reviewing her TikTok video is also funny.

Stopped off at Aspen and the airport a couple of times. The video is spot on with every thing,so i will say a very good video.
Remarkably prescient look into the future by Arthur C Clarke in the early 1960s. He correctly forecast the Internet, the ability to work from home instead of commuting and instant communication anywhere in the world for ordinary people.

Remarkably prescient look into the future by Arthur C Clarke in the early 1960s. He correctly forecast the Internet, the ability to work from home instead of commuting and instant communication anywhere in the world for ordinary people.

A brilliant mind! I've always been a big fan of Arthur C Clarke and have read most of his sci-fi novels. Those novels were always based on plausible science (as opposed to sci-fantasy novels) and I believe he is also credited with the invention of the communications satellite. I can remember watching '2001 - A Space Odyssey' (written by Arthur C Clarke and directed by Stanley Kubrick) for the first time when I was about 14. It blew my mind! Not only the story, but the special effects were way beyond anything else of that time. There were also funny little digs at the real world. An example being the computer onboard the spaceship was called 'HAL'. In each case, this is one letter back in the alphabet from 'IBM'.
I've just realised that I should have referred to him as 'Sir Arthur C Clarke'. He had a very interesting life and details can be found here -

A brilliant mind indeed. Somerset-born and he never entirely lost that West Country burr. Another gifted West Countryman who never lost the rhotic 'r' in his speech was Sir Bernard Lovell.

Reminds me of the comment of one of the public school-educated members of the upper echelons of the BBC hierarchy immediately after World War 2 when a former policeman was seeking work with the Corporation as a poetry producer. In those days everyone working 'front of house' at the BBC was expected to speak with a cut glass accent, although there were one or two exceptions such as Yorkshireman Wilfred Pickles who was actually allowed to become one of the BBC newsreaders during the Second World War despite more than a trace of his native Yorkshire in his speech.

Anyway, the reaction to the former policeman whose name was John Arlott was that he had 'an ugly voice but an interesting mind'. Fortunately for all cricket fans he got the job producing poetry and almost by accident progressed to the great love of his life. Ugly voice or not, what came out of it was pure magic.
A very intelligent man who was largely correct in his predictions. With an economy changing fast it will be very difficult to predict how the workplace will evolve in the future though. His generalisations of the "future" workplace have been largely correct but I expect it will be equally different in another 50 years from now as tomorrows jobs haven't been invented yet.

One example of future changes to how people work If population growth isn't curtailed naturally or otherwise I would expect aquaponics will be a huge growth sector with food grown indoors in multi levelled warehouses overtaking traditional farming methods. To a large degree, this would mean anything could be grown anywhere within an acclimatised building.
I am not quite sure but I purchased a Clarke paperback in T4 LHR before flying off to Colombo. The title was 'Trigger ' I think. About a world of nation where unauthorised firearms were rendered useless and if memory serves, self destructed. The only fiction book I read in one go, so good I couldn't put it down, even in the customs hall!
I am not quite sure but I purchased a Clarke paperback in T4 LHR before flying off to Colombo. The title was 'Trigger ' I think. About a world of nation where unauthorised firearms were rendered useless and if memory serves, self destructed. The only fiction book I read in one go, so good I couldn't put it down, even in the customs hall!
That's one of the few that I haven't read. Looking it up online, it sounds very good and typical Clarke -

I must get myself a copy.

Made in Yorkshire

For any one who hasn't already seen him, here's Danny Malin and his Rate My Takeaway channel. He only started out a few weeks ago and he already has over 265,000 subscribers. A genuine bloke who visits some interesting Takeaways.

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Watched most if not all his videos produced over the last few months or so. He produces videos daily now I think. A legend and find it hilarious when he sits with his chair and table sometimes in the middle of towns or no where. He’s tried the murgatroyds near LBA.
Have you a link to the murgateoyds ?

The Grandma terrace home cafe in Bolton is good as is the one at a street vender in Leeds City centre. It's surprisingly entertaining.

Edit: just watched the Murgatroyds one. A big fat 10 out of 10. The video wasn't as good though because of the rain.
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Is this the worst cook on YouTube?

This is 'Kay's Cooking', and here she attempts to make Yorkshire Pudding :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

All she has done, is mix plain flour and water (and added salt and pepper). Use milk instead of water, and where are the eggs? The ingredients need to be weighed, not guessed. And the fat/oil in the tray should be screaming hot before adding the batter.
They came out like pancakes (hardly surprising). It's enough to give Yorkshire folk a nervous breakdown.
Her other videos are equally bad, which may explain the number of views.

Do not understand why but recently I have been watching YouTube films of American road trips, and footage of Amtrak rail stations, I once was an Amtrak Parcels driver in UK. To be brutally honest, working for an American franchise operation in UK is no picnic, targets are sacrosanct.

"Free in my RV" is the channel for the road trips or Pelicanhead. A Cuban American undertakes to drive the lower 48 with his RV trailer in tow, with reasonably easy to listen commentary. Very informative if you like to travel the States but for some reason cannot physically do so.
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Just been watching this YouTube channel by Jason Pierce leung Some mouth watering food, looks amazing.

I have to admit, I'm not a lover of fish with skin on it but I'd happily eat everything else.
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