(An airline that made Birmingham successful and sadly missed is Birmingham European Airlines - we needed an airline to realise how successful Birmingham really is makes us cry out loud it is time for Birmingham to get investments and BROAD STREET Investments with Tram Network is there to expand business with likes of Hyatt Hotel Birmingham- Birmingham International Conference Centre and more- I hope Common Wealth Games Birmingham 2022 tell World Airlines and leaders it is time to invest in the second city- fingers crossed -)
I agree with you KJAY 786, the airport company should do, and be seen to publicise itself more. I have seen, nor heard little from them since the announcement of Commonwealth Games and this annoys me. If it takes a mass evacuation from a conflict zone to get the airport into national news or management of quarantine zone, why should they bother with route announcements if airlines with a name do it for them? Easyjet, Heathrow have Television reality series devoted to them and minimal cost because they attract publicity so this is a reason to 'moan ', we have a fabulous amenity that many cities in UK do not have, but all I see is little to be positive about. I am aware of the well publicised problems aviation has, but this is a problem child and good people leave to take on better and bigger opportunities.

BHX is my hometown airport and I love to fly from there but LHR had been forced upon me because they offered a service I needed. My time has gone so it is for others I plead, to encourage KJAY to continue with efforts to give BHX an earache! No more dud carriers and more well established and trusted airlines would help bring us back to having an airport people will WANT to use above all others.
I remember when Aer Rianta pitched for BHX (think it was to buy Council's shares?). There was uproar when they suggested using EMA for long-haul flights. BHX for domestic and short-haul because infrastructure expansion was limited. A fast rail link suggested between the two.

They soon found their voice to reject that and vociferous objections when Thomson started from Coventry. My recollection is sketchy but think Brian Summers was MD then.

Brussels, SAS and the like will be returning soon. During the pandemic, BHX remained a 24-hour operation but it wasn't a UK airline that provided the mainstay of flights. But I digress.....
Indeed, it was AirTanker and RAF that kept us interested whilst Brize Norton had difficulties. The military seemingly had different protocols to work to, I frequently wonder if BHX be more successful if a Colonel was in charge instead of a CEO?
JennyJet, you are correct. I was referring to KLM who, with few exceptions, managed to operate a daily flight AMS-BHX.

I've enjoyed the RAF training flights when there was nothing else in the sky! They also engage with the public by posting on Twitter when and where these flights would happen. My brother was at BHX (work related) when a C17 was doing "touch and go". He used one word to describe it, "Awesome!"

Having worked with our Military, they're professional and well organised. They would have a briefing meeting, formulate an action plan then straight to work. Don't think many commercial passengers would like the seating onboard though, except for Air Tanker. A former colleague (ex RAF) told me about his journey from an Italian Air Force base back to UK in a Hercules. Four hours with no proper seat, no inflight entertainment and the noise!
Poshgirl, thank you. I get regular overflights during the dark hours into Brize and Fairford, too dark for my cameras and usually when I am in deep sleep. I believe our airport can benefit from a dose of Military command as recent events illustrate.
JennyJet, think you and I sing from the same song sheet!

Unless there's something I'm missing, why didn't someone contact the Red Cross when things got so bad at BHX last Monday. Don't start me off about the media coverage. Photographs/filming done at Brize and LHR. BHX was either working to a different brief or imposed the restrictions themselves. Even the US has publicised where refugees have been landed.
Poshgirl, I suspect we have a similar education or at least a similar mindset with regard to BHX.

LOGIC is seemingly missing within a certain boardroom and it is worse than a mosquito bite, cannot avoid scratching!
Yes JennyJet, we have. I've just had a birthday and believe I'm 4 years older than you.

Amazing how much memory jogging is happening. I remember applying for a job at BHX a few years ago. Nothing fancy, just Admin. The online application software was poor. I did O Levels and RSAs yet there was no mention in dropdown menu. Also inputting work history was nightmare because you couldn't go further back than 2014. All my qualifications and experience had to be placed on the additional information page. I silently suspected discrimination and pointed out their omissions. Needless to say, I never heard anything more.
I would say potentially an old advert or just a stock image being used (considering the building / renovation work being done on the Selfridges frontage at present). Are PIA still on the banned list at present (as I thought Hi-Fly were doing their flights currently).
PIA still banned. EASA extended ban indefinitely pending Pakistan authorities actually carrying out and reporting on inspections.

They used to have an office in The Rotunda in Birmingham City Centre. I temped at a surveyors and used to chat with the PIA Manager. Then they moved to another office building near the Council House. Lost track of them after that but it seemed strange walking past queues of customers waiting for them to open!
BAMBOO AIRLINES - suggested should fly Vietnam direct meet high population needs and families in midlands as well as tourism needs demand is high - excellent for connections to Australia - they say they are going to expand their International network in future hope Birmingham BHX will be recognised fingers crossed: Correspondence received is: Dear, Thank you so much for your interest in Bamboo Airways and your suggestion. At present, we are trying to operating more international flights and planning the schedules and expect to publish the details on our website very soon. Please stay tuned to receive more details and information. Thank you
I just telephoned BAMBOO AIRWAYS LONDON they want me to write to Vietnam Head Office they will take Birmingham UK into account and say Excellent potential Route sounds good to them in London. BAMBOO AIRWAYS want more UK Flights they only serve London once a week. ( I shall put pen to paper later Thank You BAMBOO AIRWAYS - Beautiful name and airline x x x
I just telephoned BAMBOO AIRWAYS LONDON they want me to write to Vietnam Head Office they will take Birmingham UK into account and say Excellent potential Route sounds good to them in London. BAMBOO AIRWAYS want more UK Flights they only serve London once a week. ( I shall put pen to paper later Thank You BAMBOO AIRWAYS - Beautiful name and airline x x x
Read what you have just said some of that doesn't make sense the bit I do understand is they serve London Once Daily and want more UK flights depending on LHR Slot availability and the current Passenger limit Suitation This is probably going to be LGW. As you have been told BHX needs to build up its European Backbone first, and As I've read on here Birmingham If it is to do Long Haul Is more far East obscure routes, Indian Routes, Pakistan routes unlikely at the moment with PIA Suspended you are also contacting airlines who are rivals to PIA, AI, EK and so on say you get Vistara AI then might pull the plug or Hans Airways then Vistara might then AI reduce demand as there is limited. BHX was guilty of doing that and is now trying to rebuild from that the last thing we need is competition from Multiple airlines on LH routes from BHX. LHR and LGW make it work because there are our busiest airports BHX won't focus short haul and also not on driving airlines we have. Also having seen your name in an Email you posted aren't you the same ex member from a the start of this topic who said Qantas could serve BHX and SQ who you were told never would they are known for Luxury and would never serve BHX in the current state. SQ and Qantas are probably one day the last airlines BHX Secures when or if BHX does replace LHR for capacity.

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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
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Well over 4 million steps taken this year already. And about 12,500 photos.
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Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.
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