Hi everyone
Aviador suggested I should post this here for your viewing pleasure and assistance, so I have!
I created the Boeing 747 Cockpit (or flight deck) out of LEGO with moving yokes, controls and sliding seats. The colors and instruments are based on the 400 variant and I later added illumination as well!
I submitted this to a program called LEGO IDEAS. If it gets 10K supporters (votes) then LEGO might actually make this into a real LEGO set for everyone. If you, your kids, parents or someone you know would like this, then please help support it (it's free and takes a minute). Link -> Boeing 747 Cockpit Ideas project
I really appreciate your support and many thanks!
Aviador suggested I should post this here for your viewing pleasure and assistance, so I have!
I created the Boeing 747 Cockpit (or flight deck) out of LEGO with moving yokes, controls and sliding seats. The colors and instruments are based on the 400 variant and I later added illumination as well!
I submitted this to a program called LEGO IDEAS. If it gets 10K supporters (votes) then LEGO might actually make this into a real LEGO set for everyone. If you, your kids, parents or someone you know would like this, then please help support it (it's free and takes a minute). Link -> Boeing 747 Cockpit Ideas project
I really appreciate your support and many thanks!
