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  • #21
Just in case anybody was worried, I thought I would just say that I'm still alive and kicking.

I've just restarted the Targeted Therapy treatment, but on a 50pc reduction in dosage. Hopefully this new regime, with the help of some steroids, will keep me on the straight and narrow.

All I need to do now is find time to catch up with 2 months worth of statistics for my Manchester load-factor reports. Here we are on 1st June and I haven't even finished collating the data for March!!:cry::cry:
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  • #26
Many thanks for all your kind words. To me the compilation of statistics is important, but sad, therapy - I drive my wife mad when I spend time (not as much as I would like to) sat at the computer - and it is something that I take pride in producing.
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Many thanks for all your kind words. To me the compilation of statistics is important, but sad, therapy - I drive my wife mad when I spend time (not as much as I would like to) sat at the computer - and something that I take pride in producing.
All the best Scottie from the other stats man !

Catching up on things Scottie as we've been away for a couple of weeks, I can only echo others best wishes and just repeat our previous personal conversation regarding how a positive attitude either mental or physical can only help and I'm sure the medical folk will find the right balance regarding your medical treatment.

Keep fighting friend.
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  • #30
As I said in my first post I'm not looking for sympathy, rather I am looking to make others aware that there is life with cancer - thank God that mine was only a malignant melanoma and thus easily treated.

I am staying positive and, with the help of friends and people such as yourselves on this forum, being able to face each day. The most complex thing is trying to remember when to take my Targeted Therapy meds and the creams for my skin (which had gone very dry and incredibly blotchy!!)

Take care and I'll keep smiling. :):)
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  • #31
I just thought that I would give you a quick update. As those of you who follow airport statistics will be aware, I have been fairly active on the site, and therefore my health is reasonable. Last week I had to go back to have a biopsy done on a new lump that has appeared on the old scar line and I am awaiting the results of that - my consultant has said that it is 99.9 percent going to just be an old stitch that has started to surface, but he wants to eliminate any risk of the cancer reappearing.
Today I start to come off my steroid treatment. This will need blood tests next week to check for high cortisol levels which could be accounting for a general feeling of fatigue that has hit me in the last 24 hours.
Fingers crossed, things will continue on a positive vein, and all that I can do is continue to say 'thank you' to the staff at Whiston and St Helens hospitals, plus the staff at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre who regularly telephone to check how I'm doing.
Likewise, fingers crossed its nothing to worry about. Thank you for sharing your journey. Its often regarded as a taboo to talk about cancer treatment but it shouldn't be. Your reporting helps people to understand what is involved as we go on that journey with you.
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  • #35
Just when you think everything is going well you get reminded that it might not be!!
Nothing major but my temperature was rather high so a quick call to my lovely cancer nurses and, Adrienne, said that I should go and get checked out. Its seems my white cell count is rather low so, once again, I'm in hospital for a few days R&R.
Upside is that I get excused kitchen duties and see different lovely nurses each day.
Think positive.
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  • #38
I had forgotten how long it was since I last gave an update and now is the time to do it!

I'm delighted to say that, on Wednesday, I saw my consultant and have been advised that, on completion of my current round of oral-chemotherapy, I will be able to come off treatment. I will need to take time to wean myself of steroids etc, but all sounds positive.

As I've said previously I can not give enough praise to all the staff at Liverpool Clatterbridge Cancer Cancer, The Lilac Centre at St Helens hospital, and the nurses on the Clatterbridge Skin Team telephone unit. Thank you all for your help and support - without you I would not have coped as well whilst undergoing my treatment.

On that note I will end this thread, however if anybody else is suffering from cancer, or would like to raise any points, then please feel free to add any comments.

Scottie Dog
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  • #40
Hopefully this will be my final update as I'm now off both oral chemotherapy and steroids. So how have I been?

Currently I do seem to be suffering from lethargy and a general feeling of wanting to sleep at the drop of the proverbial hat! The biggest effect would, however, appear to be as a result of the surgery back in 2022. As a child I had a very bad speech impediment but this improved as I grew older and I was able to take a career in corporate travel, which entailed being on the telephone for all reservations - this was before the airlines had computers (who remembers BEACON and BOADICEA??). Now I find, since the operations that my speech is as bad as it was 60+ years ago. It's so frustrating because I get stuck on words/sentences and it can take me what seems like a lifetime to say what I want to say. However I must be positive because I am otherwise well.

Thank you to all of you who have given kind, and positive, replies to me - it has been much appreciated.
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