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I thought I would just share this update for those who have been following my journey.

I had the 'all clear' on my latest set of scans when at Clatterbridge on 18th September and things seemed to be going well. I then had an appointment with my plastics team last Friday and I happened, as you do, to mention a scab on my nose that refused to fully heal. Upshot was the need for a biopsy, which was performed yesterday and I now await the results. The consultant thinks that it is what in medical terms is called a Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and, if that is the case, then it is non-invasive and will just need low-level treatment.

Fingers crossed.
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Well it's time for a further update following my latest scans. Remember these posts are not seeking sympathy, but just a case of my giving feedback on how the 'C' can effect life and how fortunate we are to have the health service that we have in the Merseyside area.
I have already developed a non-carcinoma growth on my nose and which is awaiting removal.
I saw my consultant at Clatterbridge in Liverpool yesterday afternoon. The good news is that the CT scan came back as clear, but there is a little gremlin in the MRI. Apparently there is a minute, pin head size, area in the front left lobe of my brain that has been flagged by the radiographer. The consultant says that the radiographer has not issued a warning, just pointed out the occurrence, and so my next MRI will be in 3, rather than 6 months. Hopefully nothing will develop any further but my concern, if any, is that the left brain lobe controls speech and I am aware of a return of a speech impediment over the last 18 months or so.
I still continue to live a positive attitude and look forward to seeing my children over the Christmas period.
On that note can I wish everybody a very happy Christmas, no matter what your religious belief may be, and all the best for the New Year.

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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
Aviador wrote on SNOWMAN's profile.
Thanks for the support @SNOWMAN
Well over 4 million steps taken this year already. And about 12,500 photos.
The joys of travel. Train from Edinburgh to Leeds is cancelled so having another night in Edinburgh and heading back in the morning!
Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.
A week off work done which resulted in 6 day trips , 50 miles walked and only 2500 photos, Going to work is more of a holiday as I tended to be out of my flat an hour earlies in my week off and back for after 8pm

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