Interesting to note that even after all this time, LBA still features on the PIA website booking engine, and at the time the route was 'suspended' rather than canned completely. An A330 200 would do the job at LBA, and a lovely aircraft to boot. We can only hope. It would be nice to think that the arrival of Shaheen has made PIA think again about the use of LBA.
Why was the route ended in the first place? Couldn't one of PIA's leased A333s do the job or even a once weekly Shaheen?
I know! I would love to see it at MAN, however it doesn't have the range to operate LHE-MAN-JFK-LHE and if would be quite a capacity decrease from a 77W from ISB however for LBA it would be perfect!
Sorry to say but LBA are well down the list at present PIA have not even got enough aircraft that are fit to operate LHR and MAN which are supposed to be first, but rumours are looking interesting at MAN as Air Blue have rumoured to have put slots in for a start in December,
we shall see nowt as strange as the airline industry.

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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
Aviador wrote on SNOWMAN's profile.
Thanks for the support @SNOWMAN
Well over 4 million steps taken this year already. And about 12,500 photos.
The joys of travel. Train from Edinburgh to Leeds is cancelled so having another night in Edinburgh and heading back in the morning!
Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.
A week off work done which resulted in 6 day trips , 50 miles walked and only 2500 photos, Going to work is more of a holiday as I tended to be out of my flat an hour earlies in my week off and back for after 8pm

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