dublin airport

  1. News Guru

    New Dublin Airport Deal To Provide 35 Million Bus Seats For Passengers

    New Dublin Airport Deal To Provide 35 Million Bus Seats For Passengers Passengers at Dublin Airport will have more bus options available to them than ever before after new permits were issued to allow bus operators to pick up and drop off outside the airport’s two terminals. Following a...
  2. Aviador

    Almost 32 Million Through Dublin Airport’s Terminals In 2023

    Almost 32 Million Through Dublin Airport’s Terminals In 2023 A total of 31.908 million passengers passed through the terminals of Dublin Airport in 2023, in compliance with the 32 million terminals cap, according to new figures released today by daa, the operator of both airports. The...
  3. News Guru

    Dublin Airport’s Platinum Services Team Win 4 Customer Service Awards

    Dublin Airport’s Platinum Services Team Win 4 Customer Service Awards The Platinum Services team at Dublin Airport celebrated a golden evening on Thursday (November 16) as they picked up an incredible four Gold awards at the International Customer Experience Awards (iCXA). The team picked the...
  4. News Guru

    Dublin Airport Aiming To Get More Passengers To Travel By Bus

    Dublin Airport Aiming To Get More Passengers To Travel By Bus Dublin Airport is targeting an increase in the number of passengers travelling to and from the airport by bus over the coming years. The airport is seeking expressions of interest from bus operators who would like to operate...
  5. Aviador

    Dublin Airport reports a strong operating performance in first half of 2023

    daa plc Reports A Strong Operating Performance In First Half Of 2023 daa, the operator of Dublin and Cork airports, has reported that passenger numbers recovered strongly in the first six months ended June 30, 2023 with 17.1 million passengers flying in and out of the Republic of Ireland’s two...
  6. Aviador

    Dublin Airport North Runway Awarded Engineering Endeavour of 2022

    Dublin Airport North Runway Awarded Engineering Endeavour of 2022 Dublin Airport North Runway, the first international runway constructed in Ireland in over 30 years, has been awarded the prestigious title of Engineering Endeavour of 2022 by Engineers Ireland. Delivered by an international...
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