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  • Being elevated in the field of Law does not make one immune from the troubles of medical life, apart from a long standing Brain issue, I have been diagnosed with Angina, a condition that actually hurts. I have no family and since my precious dog Peggy died, I have have no one to oblige myself. I am unwell, cannot avoid that so I wish you all well.
    I am sure you miss Peggy but you should get another dog when the time feels right.
    Ray Finkle
    Your extended FFA family will always be here for you Madam Jenny. I think we all miss Peggy :(
    Jennyjet, An upgrade to my law degree, have now been upgraded to a Masters in Laws from Birmingham University to add to my Doctor of Jurisprudence as awarded by Harvard Law School. I am somewhat humbled, imposter syndrome in play here!
    I need to restrict my involvement for medical reasons. I shall follow as best I can.
    Understood Jenny. Reach out if you need any assistance.
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