Uploading images


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How to upload media to our in-house gallery....

First of all, please only upload media that belongs to you to Forums4airports.

Do not upload media that does not belong to you without the express permission from the copyright owner.

Please refer to our Terms & Rules for more information.

If you click on the MEDIA tab at the top of the site and it takes you to the media gallery. From the media gallery click on the blue "ADD MEDIA" tab and then select a site category, for example the Manchester Gallery. Once you've done that click the white tab marked "UPLOAD MEDIA" and from there you can take images directly from your laptop/phone etc. Remember to add photo descriptions along with any other details such as aircraft registrations or place names.

Once you've done all that hit the "SUBMIT" tab.

Your pictures will then go live in the gallery and you'll be able to post them to threads either by using the code from the image page in the media gallery or by selecting the CAMERA icon with the overlay of "Media Gallery Embed" when posting. Once you've done this a couple of times you'll find it easy to do and you'll even be able to submit images almost instantaneously from any device. Don't forget to add your descriptions as it helps users find your photos in our galleries.

If you want any further help please post a question in our Ask Us A Question

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