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  • True, TCX has seen better days but their LBA offering was already on its arse so there's no excuse to have lost what little was left. At least Bill Savage secured a base from the then Airtours, and Britannia/Thomson. Now all lost. Meeson must be laughing. I really don't understand how Jet2 - a relative newcomer - seem to be able to get it right and the elder statesmen can only cut and run. Backhanders, maybe ?
    Closed doors as it has always been ! Staff not allowed to speak out and very little information from the various meetings. Lcal press useless so they can put any spiel out and it is news. Another bad week so lets hope Flybe dont go down the tubes.
    Is it just me, or has LBA achieved nothing since David Outlaws and his gang have been in charge ? Terminal improvements aside, which are a legacy of the previous management, the airport just keeps on losing business. If I was AMP, I would be putting the genial Geordie on notice just now.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: a300boy
    I just wonder if they have tried to change the way they charge or increased fees or maybe its the state of Thomas Cook just now. We will never know because they run things like the secret service.
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