Brum X
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  • Yorkshire Airport on at 20.30 on ITV about LBA ;-)
    It makes it more fun when you know the characters. I think Jamie started as a baggage handler when I was there.
    What the hell is Prince Phillip doing at the age of 98 driving a range rover. ;-(
    ....and now allegedly driving without a seat-belt
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    ...more to the point what is he doing driving at 98?
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    There are some people who shouldn't be driving at 28 let alone 98. It's back to the old argument about an upper cut-off age limit for driving, or at least compulsory re-testing when people reach a certain age. I've long argued that everyone should be re-tested at regular intervals but the practical difficulties of that are enormous.
    Is anybody feeling christmassy yet ? Im not ;-( Maybe some mulled wine will help with proceedings ??
    Worlds busiest airport is on C5 this wednesday ;-) Im assuming it will feature Atlanta ATL
    Looking forward to a bit of wind and rain over the weekend. I will look forward to the hot summer weather returning next week. ;-)
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    Brum X
    Brum X
    How lovely is that cool breeze on your face and its raining. Awesome, lol
    Im loving the current weather, May has turned out to be a lovely month so far and long may it continue. Keeps me happy ;-)
    Program at 9pm on C5 about British Airways ;-)
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    Reactions: Ray Finkle
    Mist it. I've a back-log of programmes I need to watch on catch-up. Never seem to have any time.
    Brum X
    Brum X
    Its on again next week Aviador
    One of those scary landing series on C5 at 9pm tonight. Bets on seeing a scary landing at BHX in a storm, he he he
    It's become bog standard for BHX to feature in the end title sequence of any crash involving windy condition on Air Crash Investigation. Thankfully only geeks know which airport it's being filmed at!
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    Brum X
    Brum X
    You can always tell its BHX becouse of the "bumpy" runway
    Hope everybody likes my new Avatar, remember Brum on TV years ago. I used to watch it when i was a little kid, he he he
    Oh my word, those passengers on that Pegasus 738 had a lucky excape. What airport in Turkey ? It looks like Funchal
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    Trabzon..where the coastline starts curving towards Georgia. Swift change of underwear needed for everyone on board!
    Brum X
    Brum X
    Thanks for the info
    BCN trip
    If you are interested in any advice on where to stay and how to get to the viewing deck for 25R, let me known.
    Brum X
    Brum X
    Apart from the viewing park at MAN, it puts UK airports to shame
    Brum X
    Brum X
    Cheers Seasider, i will contact you nearer my trip if thats ok. If you tell me now i will probably forget by the time i go, LOL
    No problem's. There are a few photos in the Media section that were taken from there in March 2017.
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    I'm too old for that now haha
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    Brum X
    Brum X
    Your never too old Aviador, anyway enjoy your BBQ. Its going to be a lovely weekend. ;-)
    Summer is back just in time for the bank holiday weekend, you gotta love the British weather sometimes. ;-)
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    The BBQ is already on standby for this afternoon!
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    Brum X
    Brum X
    Awesome stuff, but i thought you would be dancing away at the Leeds Carnival or Festival ? ;-)
    BIRMINGHAM bin strike is over, yipeeeeeeeeeeee. Now lets get this city cleaned up, its a mess.
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    Ray Finkle
    Hoorah! The huge pile of rubbish at the top of my road has now gone, we'll see if my bins are emptied on Monday.
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    Reactions: Brum X
    Going out in a bit to get some sun, Factor 20 of course otherwise you will burn. But i will still probably burn ;-)
    We're into the last day of summer today lol
    Brum X
    Brum X
    Not in Birmingham we are not, the hot weather is here until at least Thursday ;-) You could always come down from yorkshire if you need to get some summer sun. Being in the centre of the country is always a bit hotter
    Like the fool I often am I did a ten-mile walk today on and around the Mendips in 30C heat. Had to take a lot of extra water with me to survive.
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