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  • Just read people making fake £5 notes already. The fake ones don't show big ben on them.So watch out for them you might get one.
    I can't believe its 6 months this weekend since i gave up smoking. Been finding it hard past few weeks but today it's been really easy.
    Ray Finkle
    Congratulations mate, that's a big achievement. You should be proud (y)
    I feel like I smoke after the last few days. Well done on your achievement, not to mention the money you will have saved during that time.
    Is anyone else having problems posting in the last couple of days?.Because there seems to be a lot of repeat posts.
    I had some initial trouble with repeat posts, but I found that if my post didn't appear in the thread after I hit the posting button once, I could then go to the list of threads in the forum and find my original post had been successfully made.
    Is watching how the jumbo changed the world on BBC 4
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Aviador and Brum X
    Brum X
    Brum X
    I watched this too, I could watch stuff like this time and time again. It is so interesting. But the iconic Jumbo has an uncertain future in this modern era of air travel.
    Trying to give up smoking, today is my 4th day and its been a bad day even with patches .
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Ray Finkle
    Will power!!!
    I've never smoked. I'm lucky. Was put off when a kid by my father smoking foul-smelling roll-ups. I couldn't see the attraction and am grateful to him for his inadvertent help. Mother didn't smoke either, not too common for her generation (born 1910).
    Ray Finkle
    Interestingly, in his youth my father smoked like a chimney, he gave up after meeting my mother. In my youth I smoked like a chimney, I gave up shortly after meeting Mrs Finkle.

    Stay strong Andy, it gets worse before it gets better but when you come out the other side you'll be glad that you stuck with it (y)
    Granada news are useless. Not even a video of the new Hainan flight landing this morning.Just old footage of the airport apron.
    Just watched UCL final tonight.We'll done Real Madrid for winning the UCL.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: jfy1999
    I see you've been busy uploading some photos to the gallery! Great pictures mate. You can post them to the threads by clicking on the camera image when you're writing a post and selecting the pictures you want to use from there.
    OMG Man utd game got abandoned,, controlled bomb just been let off by the bomb squad inside Old Trafford.
    At broadly the same time as the Rygge to Manchester fight was evacuated due to a hoax in my opinion bomb scare. Not Manchester's day.
    I don't normally do conspiracy theories but I do find it odd a security firm can just leave a mock device lying around. It sounds more like it was a planned "event" to test response times.
    Well that's it for champions league football for this season, Man City lost 1-0 to Real Madrid tonight.Good game tho (y)
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Aviador
    Ray Finkle
    Champions League, think yourself lucky, all we have in this region is Championship.
    BHX forum is very liverly it just took me 45 minutes to read all the posts..I wish the MAN forum was like this :)
    Be patient Andy, the Manchester forum is getting there.:)
    Got to admit, I'm not going to be able to read everything tonight! I take it everybody is happy with the new site then?
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