
New Member
Aug 20, 2009
off the subject of Doncaster Sheffield, but in the control zone. Sandtoft Airfield is under new management and also a new CFI has been appointed.
Non members are welcome, there is a variety of aircraft taking off/landing probably a few more than that a Robin Hood Airport and also the food is excellent. The owner is called 52nd street flying aviation, but you can still get the details of there old website.


I noticed last week there was a lot of airline pilots (off duty) at the airfield, but with there company logo hi vizz vests on. Worth while a visit?
Im saving Sandtoft until my final skills test T67A, but i hope to see you there in the not too distant future ;)
NB: 52nd Street Aviation (Sandtoft Airfield) will be closed week commencing 21st November 2009 for aprox 1 week, this is because they are re surfacing the runway. Another extremely busy day at Sandtoft Airfield, at the moment lots of trial flights via WH Smiths vouchers also lots of spectators watching from either the car park or with in the viewing area. As per usual the food was excellent, this flying club is going from strength to strength. Anybody reading this comment I would recommend you go and try the food for yourself as well as the amount of air traffic going in and out of Sandtoft Airfield. lol more a/c at Sandtoft than Robin Hood Doncaster.
I always wondered which airfield these WH Smiths vouchers used. :smile: Thanks for keeping us up to date on the Sandtoft happenings. It's much appreciated. I might have to pop over some time and check it out.
Excellent, is that your website? Any chance of a link to Forums4airports.com?

Anyway, keep us posted. :good:
Sorry Aviador this is not my website, this is the new official flying clubs website. Why not give the club a call and ask if there is a chance of a web link to the Forums4airports.

Here's some pictures of the sandtoft runway development.
No I don't want to be seen as being a pest. Thanks anyway. :pleasantry: Make sure you keep us up to date!
Sandtoft Runway Development

Re: Sandtoft Runway Development

The new runway is open on 5th December 2009, the flying club house has also had a lick of paint done to it also. Non members are welcome, car parking is free and the food is excellent.

Re: Sandtoft Runway Development

Great pictures and I'm sure a great facility for those involved.

Is the runway really as 'hilly' as the photos suggest, or is it an illusion caused by the foreshortening of the shot?
Re: Sandtoft Runway Development

Until I saw the pictures The Locol Yokel, I never noticed the dips were there. When I take off and Land I've never felt the dips present. The runway was to open on the 5th December but the CAA has yet to inspect the runway, so I've been told it will be fully operational on Thursday 10th December. The Local Yokel you should go and visit and anybody else you know who is intrested in aviation, non members are welcome.
Re: Sandtoft Runway Development

Many thanks for that, T67A.

The idea of a visit is lovely but practically a bit difficult as I live in the West Country and am not a pilot.

My local airport's runway at Bristol undulates - easily noticeable with the naked eye and when photographed with a 'close-up' lens looks as though it's climbing a steep hill. That's really why I wondered whether camera lens foreshortening presented a more dramatic effect than is really the case.

Since your post I've visited the website and done some Googling about the place as well.

Looks to be an exciting facility.

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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
Aviador wrote on SNOWMAN's profile.
Thanks for the support @SNOWMAN
Well over 4 million steps taken this year already. And about 12,500 photos.
The joys of travel. Train from Edinburgh to Leeds is cancelled so having another night in Edinburgh and heading back in the morning!
Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.
A week off work done which resulted in 6 day trips , 50 miles walked and only 2500 photos, Going to work is more of a holiday as I tended to be out of my flat an hour earlies in my week off and back for after 8pm

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