News Guru

Apr 10, 2010
[textarea]First flight from Southend’s new terminal

The new passenger terminal building at Southend Airport has welcomed its first passengers, the BBC reports. The £10m terminal was used for the first time by passengers boarding an Aer Arann flight to Waterford in the Irish Republic.

Budget airline easyJet will launch flights from the airport in April, with passenger numbers expected to top one million a year and grow to two million by 2020. An official opening of the new terminal will be held on March 5.

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Re: Southend Airport - Thread

Well flights are due to start with easyjet from April 2nd using A319 aircraft, plan to have 3 based at the airport with possible expansion to a 4th next year, also the local residents are trying to cash in on the airport by allowing passengers to park their cars on there un-used drives for as little as £2 per day, the airport wont be too happy though.
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Re: Southend Airport - Thread

[textarea]Efficiency is key to the haulage firm’s way of running airport

A SENSE of pride emanates from William Stobart as he surveys Southend Airport’s new £10million terminal.

The 49-year-old chief operating officer of Stobart Group has overseen the aviation equivalent of the Industrial Revolution since his firm bought the airport four years ago.

Back then, it was little more than a haven for amateur flying enthusiasts and cargo flights.

Now, with more than £100million invested in new infrastructure and commercial airlines queuing up to take advantage of the state-of-the-art facilities, it is a different story.

He said: “I was always confident we could make a difference here. We had a vision for what we wanted to do and we have gone out and done that.”

Stobart stunned the aviation industry when it stumped up £21million for the airport in December 2008.

At the time, many experts predicted Global Infrastructure Partners, the owner of London City Airport, would be the buyer. Stobart, known for its haulage business, had no history in aviation and no track record of success.

But Mr Stobart, the son of the firm’s iconic founder, Eddie, was confident it could take on the challenge.

He said: “When you look at airports all around the world, all you see is inefficiency.

Read more: ... g_airport/[/textarea]
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Re: Southend Airport - Thread

[textarea]Southend Airport expansion plans passed

Plans for an extension to Southend Airport's Terminal, which includes five more aircraft stands, was passed at a council meeting late last week. There were some strong objections from residents, however the key factor for most councillors was that the limit of 53,300 (plus 5,300 cargo) aircraft movements a year would still apply.

One of the ward councillors, Keith Gordon, supported the plans whilst neither of the other ward councillors wanted to speak, meaning a vote was then taken very quickly. The application was passed overwhelmingly, with only two councillors against.

For more information on this airport news story visit:[/textarea]
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Re: Southend Airport - Thread

[textarea]easyJet expansion and flights to Berlin and Krakow come hot on the heels of terminal extension news

easyJet has announced it is accelerating the development of its London Southend base with the introduction of an additional aircraft to the three already based at Southend.

The airline has also announced two brand new routes – Berlin (Germany) and Krakow (Poland) - as part of its 2013 flight programme from the Essex airport.

easyJet will fly a year-round service to the key European business centre of Berlin, six times a week. In addition the airline will introduce a four times weekly service to Krakow. Both routes will start on 17 June 2013. Beyond that, additional capacity will be available on some of the existing routes which have proven highly popular this summer.

These two new routes bring the number of destinations served by easyJet from the airport to 13 - the airline already flies toAlicante, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Belfast, Faro, Ibiza, Jersey, Majorca and Malaga from London Southend, with Geneva and Venice both starting soon. The new routes go on sale from Thursday 1 November at

Hugh Aitken, easyJet’s UK Commercial Manager says “Basing an additional aircraft in Southend is testament the airport’s success since we launched flights here and demonstrates our commitment to growing our presence here. Recent customer satisfaction research with our passengers has borne out what we had believed would make the airport a popular choice - its fast and convenient transport links and easy and quick transfer through the airport has made it a firm favourite with our passengers. easyJet is committed to making travel easy and affordable for all and I’m sure these two new city destinations are going to be a huge hit with holidaymakers as well as helping to serve demand from passengers travelling on business. ”

This easyJet news comes just days after it was announced work on an extension to the terminal at London Southend Airport - that will enable more than three hundred additional new, local jobs to be created - will get underway in early November. The £10 million extensionis to ensure those high standards of service passengers are currently enjoying are not compromised as passenger numbers grow towards 2million per year by 2020. Work is due to be completed just before Christmas 2013.

London Southend Airport Managing Director Alastair Welch says “We are delighted that easyJet has chosen to accelerate its growth plans and to base another aircraft with us, which is evidence of their commitment to the airport and the success of our partnership. I am sure these new routes will be extremely popular locally, and will further build on our growing reputation as an airport of choice for passengers inbound to Essex, London and the South East.”

He added “With the fantastic new London Southend Airport Holiday Inn now open, the terminal extension getting underway and now this further announcement of expansion, there is a genuine sense of excitement amongst staff and visitors that the airport is really taking off. We look forward to welcoming more passengers to enjoy the unique airport experience we offer here at London Southend.”

Source: ... d-airport/[/textarea]
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

its great to see southend arise from the ashes of being owned by southend corporation !
I remember the good old days when Southend was a thriveing airport with DC6s DC4s BAC1-11 and viscounts but those days came and went probably because airlines changed to jets and southend was not suitable for jets then...
BAF, channel airways and various scandinavian airlines was regular seen then. But it was more important as an airport that had many over-flys in particualr during the vietnam war with traffic flying overhead from mildenhall (mainly hercules and C141 etc usaf) .
Think thats why most of us spotters was there.
Thats not to say there was not some very good traffic landing at the there was on a good day quite a lot includeing some decent light aircraft..
I wonder how many here remember those days 1963-69 not many i bet??
Back in 1961 ish i made a takeoff from the grass runway (yes they had one of those) aboard a Vickers viking of channel airways bound for ostende but arrived 7 days later on a viscount.. :diablo:
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

Thanks for the bit of nostalgic insight flashgordon1952 it's a pleasure to read. It sounds like aviation was much more fun in those days than it is now. Southend may have had a come back but easyjet after easyjet A319s doesn't quite provide the same level of excitement as the old DC6s, BAC1-11s and Viscounts did.

We've a Nostalgia Photography Gallery if you're interested.
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

To be announced tomorrow, SEN-NQY 3xweekly with easyjet.. Also speculated is the possibility of LPL-SEN, a loss leader though for sure.
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

[textarea]Southend fog hits flights

FOGGY conditions caused two Southend-bound flights to be diverted to Stansted Aiport.

The easyJet flights, from Ibiza and Malaga, circled above Southend before being sent north to Stansted. The airline then bused passengers back to Southend on Tuesday night.

Some spoke of their frustration over the incidents on the Twitter website. Jade tweeted: “That was the worst flight ever! ... s_flights/[/textarea]

Some people really do get on my wick. Do these people not realise fog affects all airports at one time or another. :fool:
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

Southend Airport is quaint (well, I live near Heathrow) but nice to use, having flown from there to Faro back in February.

My only recollection of the old airport is seeing a number of British Air Ferries Heralds lined up there on one occasion when I was visiting a nearby aviation museum. Does anybody know if it's still there?
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

I'm not sure to be honest, have you tried looking on google earth? They offer a dateline so you can go back to see how an area has changed?

Welcome to Forums4airports by the way. Nice to have you with us!
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

Southend Airport is quaint (well, I live near Heathrow) but nice to use, having flown from there to Faro back in February.

My only recollection of the old airport is seeing a number of British Air Ferries Heralds lined up there on one occasion when I was visiting a nearby aviation museum. Does anybody know if it's still there?

It would appear that the museum is no more. See this link:
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

[textarea]Southend in profit and looking for more airlines

Southend airport moved into profit in the half year to August on the back of a more than 40% rise in passengers.

Discussions are taking place with various airlines about starting new services from the Essex airport which is due to have a terminal extension completed by January.

Parent company, the transport and distribution firm Stobart Group, saw pre-tax profit at the division which covers the airport come in at £100,000 against a loss of £300,000 in the same period last year. This came as revenue rose from £7.9 million to £10.4 million.

Read more: ... lines.html[/textarea]
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

[textarea]easyJet drops flights to Newquay and Edinburgh from Southend

EASYJET has scrapped flights to Edinburgh and Newquay from Southend Airport.

The budget airline is also scaling back its trips to Jersey and will now only operate four a week.

The announcement came yesterday and follows a decision by easyJet in August to scrap flights to Belfast, on January 5.

Read more: ... _Southend/[/textarea]
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

I wonder if the "bubble has burst" after the highly successful launch of services from Easyjet?
Obviously they drew a lot of passengers away from Stansted, in particular, and the other London Airports to a lesser extent but some of these may be moving back. It could be that the passengers they have attracted are less frequent travellers and can't sustain certain flights with slightly lower figures.
The main concern here must be the dependability on Easyjet and they must get Aer Arran to increase their services.
Re: Southend Airport - Thread

Southend Airport has got a rail connection that must be the envy of a number of airports around the country but it's the domestic routes that don't seem to be working for easyJet - Belfast, Edinburgh and Newquay to be dropped.

Maybe a smaller aircraft would be better suited to some of these routes.
[textarea]London Southend Airport enjoys busiest ever year and looks forward to 2014

London Southend Airport has enjoyed its busiest year ever with almost a million passengers using the regenerated regional airport in 2013 - and is now looking forward to even more exciting developments in 2014.

970,167 passengers passed through the Essex airport between January and December 2013 - beating the previous record of 721,661 (set year to the end of February 2013).This sustained growth eclipses previous yearly averages of around 692,000 passengers* back in the 1960’s heyday of London Southend, when it was the third busiest airport in the UK (second only to Heathrow and Manchester).

London Southend also enjoyed a booming festive period, with 45,678 passengers in total flying into and out from the airport between 19 December 2013 and 2 January 2014.

The busiest day was 27 December, when 3,865 people used the airport. The most popular route over the festive period was Amsterdam, both for people flying out of the UK and back to it via London Southend.

The new, twice-weekly easyJet route to the winter sun destination of Tenerife, which started on 13 December, is also proving hugely popular during its first few weeks – on Christmas Eve the busiest flight of the whole festive season saw 178 people flying from Tenerife back to the UK for the seasonal celebrations via London Southend.

London Southend Airport Operations Director David Lister says “2013 has been a fantastic year for London Southend, topped off with us being named best airport in Britain in the Which? airport passenger survey. We think ourunique promises to passengers – that they should wait no more than 4-minutes to go through security and that, on arrival with hand baggage, they are on the rail station platform within 15 minutes of leaving the aircraft and then in central London in 53 minutes - is what has been a big part of our success over the last year and the factor which is driving more and more passengers to choose London's newest airport. And we have more great things to come in 2014.”

To support the rapid growth of London Southend, a £10 million extension to the terminal is scheduled to open in early 2014. This extensionis to ensure the unique high standards of service passengers currently can only enjoy at London Southend Airport - and which research shows they keep coming back - are not compromised as passenger numbers continue to grow. The extension will also enable more than 300, new local jobs.

David Lister added “We are also working closely with all our current partners – as well as speaking to potential new ones – in order to offer an even wider variety of destinations for business and leisure travellers, at a reasonable cost all year round. We hope 2014 is going to be another great year for London Southend Airport. ”

*Previous busiest year set in 1967.

See more at: ... JVYWj.dpuf[/textarea]
[textarea]Airport's one in a million

SOUTHEND Airport has enjoyed its busiest ever year, flying almost a million passengers.

A total of 970,167 passengers passed through the terminal between January and December 2013.

It eclipses the previous record of 692,000 in 1967, back in its heyday when Southend was the third busiest airport in the UK – behind only Heathrow and Manchester.

Southend also enjoyed a booming festive period, with 45,678 passengers in total flying in and out of the airport between December 19 and January 2.

The busiest day was December 27, when 3,865 people used the airport.

Read more: ... on/?ref=nt[/textarea]

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