
Well-Known Member
So ladies and gents a bit of an open forum/debate for you all..

If you were in charge of Birmingham Airport right now, what changes would you make? What would you do to improve the airport, would you enlarge the terminal? would you give an airline any deal they wanted? Would you make changes to taxiways/runways/hangers etc..... Would you lower/increase airport costs? Would you hire new senior management? Would you rename the airport?

over to you.... :)
Hi there Matt995, if I were boss of Birmingham Airport, the first thing I would do is scrap and review all parking charges, then I would seriously review landing fees, by renegotiation with all current airlines a better deal, but also contacting all previous airlines that used to serve Birmingham Airport, to re-enter in talks and renegotiate and try and agree for them to return..
Firstly probably be realistic and admit that the airport is simply lagging miles behind its major rival Manchester and try to put a team together and some long term plan in place to see some sustainable growth and not the boom and bust strategy that some incoming carriers employed before either going bust or leaving after a short period. Difficult to see where Birmingham goes at present with the array of carriers now at Manchester if it wasn't for Jet 2 the airport would be in a far worse state than it is. The first question to ask is why Manchester is getting every single airline whilst Birmingham gets nothing.
I wonder whether comparing BHX and MAN is useful. They are two very different airports. I don’t really know either but the statistics I can find suggest MAN passed 13 million ppa, which is the current figure at BHX, in 1993. I think the issue for BHX is catchment which is not simply a question of how many people live within two hours drive. BHX’s catchment is sandwiched by that of other airports leading to leakage.
I wonder whether comparing BHX and MAN is useful. They are two very different airports. I don’t really know either but the statistics I can find suggest MAN passed 13 million ppa, which is the current figure at BHX, in 1993. I think the issue for BHX is catchment which is not simply a question of how many people live within two hours drive. BHX’s catchment is sandwiched by that of other airports leading to leakage.

Not so sure. Manchester has 4 airports within 60 miles - Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield/Doncaster & East Midlands, whereas Birmingham has just the 1 - East Midlands.

I accept that argument as the cause for the lack of our long haul connections, but not really for short haul. EasyJet have bases as both Manchester and Liverpool which co-exist without much of an issue. The closest EasyJet base to BHX is almost 3x the distance away that LPL & MAN are.
I would love to do a simple job at the airport, Issue a public survey via website and local inkies asking people what they want and where they want to go. Armed with that essential information, open invitations to carriers to begin services.

I would then set about a complete modernisation of the airfield and buildings to become fit for purposes. Passengers are drawn to MAN or LHR for a reason!
It depends on whether, as CEO, I had full autonomy over the running of the airport or whether I was just a front for the shareholders. If the latter then I wouldn't have taken the job in the first place :)

Assuming I had full control I think I'd start with a change of personnel. Things haven't been working for too long now so time for fresh eyes.

Route wise I'd develop a short, medium and long term strategy identifying the key business and leisure routes along with airlines to fly them. I'd also be very careful about which airlines were on the list avoiding more sagas like Primera or the shambles that was Beijing Capital. We hear that airline X 'has no interest' but airlines are businesses and if the price is right heads will be turned. To me the right airline flying the right route would be an asset and one worth spending on, as we know airlines tend to flock together so a little investment in one or two could then lead to more.

When it comes to short haul there really are only two players out there, easyjet and Ryanair. Whilst there would definitely be a place for Ryanair I wouldn't fancy having them as my primary airline so easyjet would be the target. Sadly BHX is now probably in a position where it needs them way more than they need us so tough decisions would have to be made. It may cost initially but I think taking a 2/3 year hit would more than pay off in the long term once the base becomes profitable and with the easyjet brand I have no doubt that it would be. I'd also throw a lot of weight behind Jet2 for steady and sustained growth in the leisure and city break market. Long haul would be focused on getting back NY, Toronto and a new route to Hong Kong. I believe NY and HK are key routes for business, leisure and connections so again a bit of money may need to be thrown at these. Toronto would be back in time once things have settled with the MAX. I'd also secure a second based 787 from TUi so we could get some new long haul leisure routes without losing another (I'm thinking Goa and Phuket for starters).

I'd also have a short and long term plan for the site but with flexibility to bring forward plans should they be needed. My immediate concern would be to complete the parallel taxiway and build a couple more stands at the end of the pier and by the fire station as well as continuing the lounge extension that is already underway. Medium term I'd add some more runway exits and extend the apron south into the car parks for remote parking and as a precursor to a new terminal. Long term T2 would have to go, I'd reconfigure the road network to utilise all available space then go for a 'T' shaped structure, pretty much a smaller version of THIS

Other options could be the long discussed satellite pier or a new GA ramp next to the Monarch Hangar making way for a loco terminal on the Elmdon site.

Would you rename the airport?

I'd hold a referendum :bag:
Yes Sir Raymond, the Elmdon facilities need waking up, remodelled utilising the Heritage terminal taking strain off the current terminal buildings. Either moving low cost carriers or leasing to create an Emirates terminal or some other tenant. Someone that would respect the space they occupy.

Create something carriers wish to serve or hand over to Ryanair to perhaps desecrate or develop as they see fit.

Making the airfield fit to handle all current aircraft variants and futureproofed.

I once suggested inviting the Military to take a look and let them create an airfield to do the job. I suggest they would have not permitted the R33 ILS problems to fester.
If I was the boss I would sack the board and rename it Finkle International.

Joking apart, good idea though that is, the first thing I would do is gather all of the region's leaders together and bash their #@!?@# heads together and tell them that they have a use it or lose asset of international significance and tell them how far behind our friendly cousins up north we are as an airport, but how we are slipping behind sister cities across Europe in our connectivity. Then I would set them the task of travelling to New York and back and the first one back wins.

And once they wake up and realise that there are no direct flights (the clever ones will charter a jet from BHX) I would throw everything into business to business routes and worry less about the sun and bucket and spade routes which will look after themselves. I would then get rid of the hanger on the Elmdon side which irritatingly gets in the way of the great videos shot from the MSCP and build a darn good visitors centre BrumX(experience) with the Aviador Bar I honour of two other fully timers on here. Don't worry, Jenny my private jet will be called the JennyJet.
,,,......and will one have the observer seat on the flight deck or will a nose camera feed the action to my lounge seat with my favourite Tuna sandwiches? Sadly, no booze for medical reasons!

If I was unfortunate to get the boss job, I would consider naming and making over the heritage building to the US carrier that commits to BHX.

As to the race across the pond, the winner keeps his job and the fat pension attatched.

The visitor centre is a fine idea as long as it is outdoors designed by the people that would use it.

On a personal note, I would try my best to convince British Airways to return services to BHX for regional benefit reminding them that London and Manchester requires the M6/M40 for access but remains a battle most times and HS2 may never happen and if necessary offer them the Elmdon site to develop to their fancy.
It depends on whether, as CEO, I had full autonomy over the running of the airport or whether I was just a front for the shareholders. If the latter then I wouldn't have taken the job in the first place :)

so the question is Ray, do you think the current CEO has full autonomy? personnally I dont think he does, and that's the major problem, he cant bring Easyjet in for example on a cheap deal to boost passengers and new routes, because the shareholder want to make money instead!!
I have been reading post in this forum and it is true having a discussion for management is revealing that Birmingham is a Important hub. Also having International Long Haul flights including hospitality and pray facilities - The management should lissen to opinions and realise that expandsion is immediate for the common wealth games we need more flights into Birmingham, it is true British Airways would do well with the new Islamabad flights and other links from London Heathrow they would do well with more flights from Birmingham International airport we need flights to to USA CANADA IMPORTANT CARRIBBEAN both Trinidad and Kingston would all be full load largest Carribbean Community live in and around midlands. We also need more flights to Indian Sub Continent and Far East and more to say British Airways would be successful - more Avious Points do start immediate for Common Wealth Games. To continue it be ideal to talk with Gulf Air, Biman and Singapore aswell as others to start Birmingham Immediate we need more. Also encourage PIA for Karachi and Lahore and a Air India Mumbai service. Note we have large Pakistani community still like myself travel to Punjab with PIA from Heathrow and Manchester we need Lahore and Karachi immediate this community lives in midlands and need these routes thank you. You should management at Birmingham tell PIA /Air India and others use Birmingham as stopping hub to USA- thanks. Now to continue Birmingham International Airport needs some new airlines now its 2020 soon thanks and the parking charges need revisiing and need free drop off and pick up outside terminal area and free trolleys - i promise you the WORLD WIL COME BIRMINGHAM just sort multi storey car park so tight and hard to park cars need a new multi storey car park i suggest a new car park under ground with new terminal at the top and it be best terminal around tell Bristish Airways open it and design it best place is near the ELMDON BUILDING or Long Stay Car Park thanks.0r even that place were you have old Monarch Bays. To conclude everyone many thanks for the time and there are two large airlines full load meet hugh profits EL AL AND SAUDIA ARABIAN AIRLINES - Jerusaleum, Tel-Aviv and Jeddah/Ryidah Birmingham awaits you immediate. There are passenger loads and all faiths that need these routes i tell you truth Muslim and Jewish Umma and Christians will CRY OUT LOAD for such Beautiful Destinations many thanks and take care - Love Birmingham International Airport UK Leading Hub. (Thank you) Birmingham Interanationsl Airport Marketing Management think Leisure and Tourism more spenditure more economic sence and more income why on earth are they wasting cash in Birmingham City Centre sum new tram network mum says should have kept the old ones they were everywhere many years ago. HSBC HQ in Birmingham we need Cathay Pacific they will not come yet what about EVA can they come Shanghai and ROVER MG on MAP - Birmingham Airport sort parking out NOW Immediate thanks.
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Hi KJAY, welcome to the forum :)

To continue it be ideal to talk with Gulf Air, Biman and Singapore aswell as others to start Birmingham Immediate we need more. Also encourage PIA for Karachi and Lahore and a Air India Mumbai service. Note we have large Pakistani community still like myself travel to Punjab with PIA from Heathrow and Manchester we need Lahore and Karachi immediate this community lives in midlands and need these routes thank you.
There have been rumours of PIA launching a new BHX route but any rumours surrounding either PIA or AI should be taken with a big heap of salt given their dire financial situations.

However AI have recently added ATQ-Stansted with Goa said to be following so it seems they are once more growing in the UK.

Biman I could see as being one for the long term but they have only just launched Manchester and even that had several false starts over a period of about 5 years before finally materialising.

Gulf Air are very much a niche carrier with limited connections. Would be much better to get a frequency increase from Emirates or Qatar. Singapore have never expressed interest in BHX to my knowledge, they would also be likely to hurt both EK and QR at this point in time as well as taking away from the operation they have been developing up the M6.
You should management at Birmingham tell PIA /Air India and others use Birmingham as stopping hub to USA- thanks.
This isnt something BHX or any other airport could realistically get now that the new traffic rights have opened up for PIA and AI. All their USA services no longer stop anywhere in Europe but fly directly.
Now to continue Birmingham International Airport needs some new airlines now its 2020 soon thanks and the parking charges need revisiing and need free drop off and pick up outside terminal area and free trolleys
Things like car park charges make up most of UK airports revenue nowadays, in order not to charge airlines ridiculous landing fees (which would likely force many of them to leave), every UK airport has had to raise charges in just about every other area.

Also, BHX is set to have pretty unique public transport connectivity when HS2 arrives. Given that and the current environmentalist backlash against all airports, it's not surprising that private car users are not the managements priority right now.
BIRMINGHAM just sort multi storey car park so tight and hard to park cars need a new multi storey car park i suggest a new car park under ground with new terminal at the top and it be best terminal around tell Bristish Airways open it and design it best place is near the ELMDON BUILDING or Long Stay Car Park thanks. 0r even that place were you have old Monarch Bays.
Definitely agree that MSCPs are the solution if we ever want to expand the terminal onto the long stay

The Monarch hangar should stay though, if an occupier is found it'll be a source of revenue for the airport and it's already gotten us on the radar of airlines worldwide (even if only for maintenance).
To conclude everyone many thanks for the time and there are two large airlines full load meet hugh profits EL AL AND SAUDIA ARABIAN AIRLINES - Jerusaleum, Tel-Aviv and Jeddah/Ryidah Birmingham awaits you immediate.
If we get a base from them, easyJet would be a better proposition for Tel Aviv short term since El Al have only just started Manchester and will not want to dilute the market so soon.

Saudia I don't see coming for the foreseeable future. apparently the London and Manchester routes are largely propped up by BAE Systems for premium traffic and cargo, but even then overall passenger loads are not great. Adding a Birmingham service would probably dilute BAE Systems traffic and the Midlands is not a premium heavy market,
Hi there all, as my previous post, my other option to consider very seriously would be the second runway and terminal by the m42, by building this new terminal and runway would enable Birmingham to use it for solely long haul and international flights, then use the existing terminal for short haul flights and domestic usage for UK... Andyc
Could Birmingham international Airport management in marketing team look at BREXIT and meaning supporting more to British Businesses and Bringing Great Back to Britain . Why don't management have a new combined terminal British Airways and Virgin Atlantic together and it not fair look at Virgin Atlantic plans for future- Birmingham International Airport best idea don't think I am crazy get MG ROVER and Cadburys to sponsor the new terminal advertise MG Cars in terminal and have Cadburys Chocolate reflection terminal with Cadburys Shops and look at East End and Brunei Meals they are large in Birmingham get them to also serve hospitality in the new terminal it be great and I telephoned Royal Brunei Airways told them to look at Birmingham International they said they know management are looking at the airport interesting but hope they come in the future it be thriller believe me Brunei Ready Made Meals are leading Brunei manufacturing company based in Aston and are unique to Birmingham and Economical Sense. There is a large Brunei Community in midlands also did you know we have a two/three day festival in Birmingham Annually Promoting Phillipines Culture and we have second largest festival and community for Phillipino in country it happens in Bartley Green Park Annually and is HUGH for large weekend all PHILLIPINO. I suggested Phillipines Airlines should start Birmingham in writing to marketing department they never wrote back. But people PHILLIPINO EVENT say they are pressuring PHILLIPINES to look at Birmingham for more Investments as they are second largest community event outside London. Also to conclude we have large Vitamanese Community this is largest community in midlands and surrounding areas they need more recognition and I do hope they will come to Birmingham in the future. There one airline I asked on facebook they said they know Birmingham needs them and are looking at the suggestions it is high EGYPY AIR and MEA...… conclude even Kuwait Air said on telephone we know. I have been encouraging airlines to fly Birmingham UK - now to end read this article about Virgin Atlantic - I hope Management do welcome new airlines in for-near future and with regards the people in the second city are proud of you but look at the car parking issues especially that multi-storey car park so narrow and hard to park cars easily and always hard to park - Birmingham International we all love you x x x thank you . .. . meals from Saltley sorry near Aston
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Could Birmingham international Airport management in marketing team look at BREXIT and meaning supporting more to British Businesses and Bringing Great Back to Britain .
British businesses already have a Brexit strategy - for many of them it is about survival, not growth. They are anticipating that the weak pound will decline further and that tariffs will change completely if we leave the EU in a disorderly way. For these reasons, many businesses are either setting up headquarters in the EU (particularly Ireland) or setting up EU subsidiaries so they can be assured of at least some free movement for their goods and employees.

Manufacturing in the UK is in decline, demand for cars in particular has slumped. Furthermore, we don't know for sure what kind of form Brexit will take, when it will happen, or whether it will even happen at all, so planning a market strategy around it is not a good idea at this point.
Why don't management have a new combined terminal British Airways and Virgin Atlantic together and it not fair look at Virgin Atlantic plans for future-
You can't have a terminal dedicated to airlines that don't serve the airport. BA will never do anything to compromise their profits at LHR and LGW, they have even come out in opposition to Heathrow's third runway since they want to ensure that they can maintain a near monopoly at LHR.

Virgin Atlantic have already very publicly stated that their plans involve LHR/MAN. As long as the LHR third runway doesn't look like materialising they will be limited at LHR, but the collapse of Thomas Cook has left them with a big opportunity at MAN and it seems they are already in the process of growing MAN. BHX is too close to LHR for their liking.
I telephoned Royal Brunei Airways told them to look at Birmingham International they said they know management are looking at the airport interesting but hope they come in the future it be thriller believe me Brunei Ready Made Meals are leading Brunei manufacturing company based in Aston and are unique to Birmingham and Economical Sense. There is a large Brunei Community in midlands also did you know we have a two/three day festival in Birmingham Annually Promoting Phillipines Culture and we have second largest festival and community for Phillipino in country it happens in Bartley Green Park Annually and is HUGH for large weekend all PHILLIPINO. I suggested Phillipines Airlines should start Birmingham in writing to marketing department they never wrote back. But people PHILLIPINO EVENT say they are pressuring PHILLIPINES to look at Birmingham for more Investments as they are second largest community event outside London. Also to conclude we have large Vitamanese Community this is largest community in midlands and surrounding areas they need more recognition and I do hope they will come to Birmingham in the future. There one airline I asked on facebook they said they know Birmingham needs them and are looking at the suggestions it is high EGYPY AIR and MEA...… conclude even Kuwait Air said on telephone we know.
We've often heard that expression that airlines and airports are "looking at" potential new services but as often as not it comes to nothing since the numbers don't add up.

How large are the Midlands communities from each of the countries you mention and how many of the people you speak to at these events are using Emirates, Qatar, or the services down at Heathrow?

The only airlines from the above that I know have shown interest in the UK regions are Egyptair and Kuwait Airways. Both have served or applied for slots at Manchester but then pulled out.

The customer services who handle social media and phone calls are unlikely to have access to things like route planning and are not a reliable source of information - customer services people from airlines that have been about to cut routes or go bust often try and convince the public that nothing is wrong, but they themselves have no idea of what is actually happening.

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