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Found this YouTube channel this morning. I so want one of these. It's a must watch...

Basically this bloke makes a bunker under his back garden. Totally crazy.
I came across this on YouTube the other day. This lady puts all sorts of things through Google Translate and then makes videos from the results. In this case, it’s Africa by Toto. She has translated it into numerous African languages (and presumably back into English) and then sings the new 'lyrics' to the Africa tune -

The original lyrics are posted at the top of the video, with the new ones shown below. It made me laugh and I hope it brings amusement to others during this boring lockdown.
If you like it, she has many more, covering a wide variety of subjects -

Translator Fails Video List

Talking about video's on Youtube, I was reading the other day that the guys that do all these airline trip reports are struggling at the moment as some of them make money from them, but how as I have been scratching my head trying to work out how do you earn a living doing travel reports on You tube ?

I must admit I love watching them and even more now as I am just wanting to get away from all this doom and gloom, but I thought people did them for a hobby and never realised people make a living out of them. :unsure:
Talking about video's on Youtube, I was reading the other day that the guys that do all these airline trip reports are struggling at the moment as some of them make money from them, but how as I have been scratching my head trying to work out how do you earn a living doing travel reports on You tube ?

I must admit I love watching them and even more now as I am just wanting to get away from all this doom and gloom, but I thought people did them for a hobby and never realised people make a living out of them. :unsure:

Some people have given up their day jobs and do it for their living. The most well known probably being Sam Chui (for aviation reviews). Basically, they get a cut of the advertising revenue that their channel generates for YouTube. So the more views they get the more money they make. On top of that, people can choose to become a patron of a channel (through 'Patreon'). In doing so, they make donations to that particular channel, in order to provide funds for more videos. Again, more patrons equals more money.
Some people make an incredible amount of money doing this.
As to whether UK based YouTubers would count as self employed and therefore qualify for Government support through these tough times, I'm not sure.

Talking about video's on Youtube, I was reading the other day that the guys that do all these airline trip reports are struggling at the moment as some of them make money from them, but how as I have been scratching my head trying to work out how do you earn a living doing travel reports on You tube ?
Any channel over 1000 subscribers can earn Youtube ad revenue, obviously the bigger the channel gets the more money that can potentially be earned. A lot of the full time Youtubers also get sponsorship from different companies to advertise their product, there is also the ability to earn money through live streams where people can donate money to the channel. Many as well have paypal links where people can donate to the channel and a thing called Patreon where you can pay a certain amount a month ie $10 and you'll get certain perks like viewing the latest release before it gets on Youtube or special Q&A sessions or shout outs at the end of videos or during them by some of them.
For many as well it's not there full time job. A few i follow do the channel as a hobby or because they travel with work a lot or in one instance the person part owns a travel company.
I would love it Jerry, going on all those planes and getting paid for it :love:
Yep the travelling bit would be nice especially for me anyway to the more unique destinations like Alaska or Everest and flying on some unique flights!
I got quite a lot favourite channels! Ones i each like for different reasons but i'd say Blake Edginton, SANSpotter, JebBrooks, WingingIt and Dennis Bunnik Travels are probably my favourite's. Out of aviation it's probably Spacedock, Lore reloaded, Generation Tech/Films and Trekyards and as you can guess they are mostly Scifi related. I'll have to check out that channel you mentioned!
My favourite channel belongs to a guy called Lucas who is based in Madrid (Currently on total lockdown) and his channel is called OnBoardHD and this is his tribute to Flybe.

That video reminded me how much i liked flying with Flybe. Going to miss that airline! It also reminded me i gotta do a flight from BHX one day to see what it's like!
I got quite a lot favourite channels! Ones i each like for different reasons but i'd say Blake Edginton, SANSpotter, JebBrooks, WingingIt and Dennis Bunnik Travels are probably my favourite's. Out of aviation it's probably Spacedock, Lore reloaded, Generation Tech/Films and Trekyards and as you can guess they are mostly Scifi related. I'll have to check out that channel you mentioned!

I also like Blake Edgington's videos. I would also recommend Noel Phillips and not forgetting F4A forum members BrumX and Ryan Kirkpatrick (are there others?).

I also like Blake Edgington's videos. I would also recommend Noel Phillips and not forgetting F4A forum members BrumX and Ryan Kirkpatrick (are there others?).

Noel is one that i have been watching a lot more lately also a channel called Vuelogs and Moment In the Sky as well and i do watch Ryans videos from time to time. So much choice it's hard to keep up with them all!
I also like Blake Edgington's videos. I would also recommend Noel Phillips and not forgetting F4A forum members BrumX and Ryan Kirkpatrick (are there others?).


Thanks Kevin but I am a novice compared to the big boys out there, lol however I do pick up little hints and tips from there videos and even treated myself to a Go Pro camera a few months ago. I wanted to put it to good use this summer with a couple of trips booked but we will see. My first flight isn't until July on the new Easyjet BHX-EDI so lots could happen between now and then ?


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