Please ask the Secretary of State to sign off plans for LBA's New Terminal
As you may be aware, Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) was granted planning consent for its new £150m terminal on 11th March.
The planning approval has now been submitted to the Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Robert Jenrick MP. This submission is standard procedure in accordance with Green Belt regulations, and hopefully will result in sign off by the Minister within the next few weeks.
However, the vociferous anti LBA group known as GALBA, assisted by the Leeds North West MP, are asking the Minister to call in the planning approval and instigate a lengthy and expensive Public Inquiry, delaying the new terminal and the jobs it will generate for between 1 and 2 years.
It is essential that we counter those demands by asking the Minister to sign off the plans now , enabling the LBA terminal project to kick-start the recovery of the local economy.
Please use the link below to access the Minister's Parliamentary website and express your support using the on-line proforma. (The comments box will expand to accept your comments). Please help by doing this one last thing to support your local airport.
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As you may be aware, Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) was granted planning consent for its new £150m terminal on 11th March.
The planning approval has now been submitted to the Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Robert Jenrick MP. This submission is standard procedure in accordance with Green Belt regulations, and hopefully will result in sign off by the Minister within the next few weeks.
However, the vociferous anti LBA group known as GALBA, assisted by the Leeds North West MP, are asking the Minister to call in the planning approval and instigate a lengthy and expensive Public Inquiry, delaying the new terminal and the jobs it will generate for between 1 and 2 years.
It is essential that we counter those demands by asking the Minister to sign off the plans now , enabling the LBA terminal project to kick-start the recovery of the local economy.
Please use the link below to access the Minister's Parliamentary website and express your support using the on-line proforma. (The comments box will expand to accept your comments). Please help by doing this one last thing to support your local airport.
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