- Admin
- #1
Did you know that can quote multiple posts when making your reply to threads? Quotes can be taken from any post within the forums, just simply select +Multi-Quote for the posts you wish to quote, like so:

Then press the Insert quotes button next to the attach files option to select the messages you wish to quote:

Pressing it should bring up an option to manage the quotes, to enable you to reorder or remove them, before finally inserting the quotes:

You can also do the same across multiple conversations, but please note that it is currently not possible to directly multi-quote from both forum threads and conversations at the same time. If you have any questions or require assistance with the multi-quote system, then please feel free to let us know

Then press the Insert quotes button next to the attach files option to select the messages you wish to quote:

Pressing it should bring up an option to manage the quotes, to enable you to reorder or remove them, before finally inserting the quotes:

You can also do the same across multiple conversations, but please note that it is currently not possible to directly multi-quote from both forum threads and conversations at the same time. If you have any questions or require assistance with the multi-quote system, then please feel free to let us know