
Site Maintenance
Staff member
Apr 10, 2011
Falmouth, Cornwall
Did you know that can quote multiple posts when making your reply to threads? Quotes can be taken from any post within the forums, just simply select +Multi-Quote for the posts you wish to quote, like so:


Then press the Insert quotes button next to the attach files option to select the messages you wish to quote:

2022-07-26 (1).png

Pressing it should bring up an option to manage the quotes, to enable you to reorder or remove them, before finally inserting the quotes:

2022-07-26 (2).png

You can also do the same across multiple conversations, but please note that it is currently not possible to directly multi-quote from both forum threads and conversations at the same time. If you have any questions or require assistance with the multi-quote system, then please feel free to let us know :)
Thanks for your guide, Ashley but I'm still having problems. When I first clicked on 'Insert Quotes', I was presented with a list of 66 apparently random quotes. I was able to delete some, but not all of these. I tried numerous times and eventually ended up with one quote. Now it's down to one quote, clicking 'Insert Quotes' gives the desired quote from whichever thread I want. Selecting this puts the quote in the message box of the thread from which it is quoted. However, the only way that I can find to move something from the second thread to the first is to copy the text from the message box in the second thread and paste it into the message box of the first thread. Hope that makes sense. It's difficult to explain without screenshots.

[EDIT] - after some experimentation, I've finally worked it out. Select 'Multi Quote' from the first thread then go to the second thread and select 'Multi Quote' for the message to be quoted from there. Go back to the first thread, click on 'Insert Quotes' and the two quotes will appear in the 'Review Messages' window. Click 'Quote Messages' and both will appear in the message text box as quotes.

Was the initial 66 messages that I saw do to me not turning off the 'Multi Quote' option for each of these?

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There may well be a limit to the system that can't be controlled by settings. I'm not sure if it is controlled by cookies or browser session settings and they appear to show based on time order, so oldest to newest. What I do know is that even if you've selected various multi-quotes, they won't be submitted in a message until you press the insert quotes button and review them ;)
I'm rather brain dead at the moment - rather a lot on my plate - but I'll try to look at this another day.

Thanks Ashley for all the work that you're doing in the background at the moment.
My mistake was, that after clicking 'Multi Quote' in both threads, I was going to the bottom of each thread and clicking 'Insert Quotes' (this put only the quote from that thread in the message window of that thread). What I found that I should have done, was return to the first thread and click 'Insert Quotes' in that thread only. This brings up the 'Review Messages' window, showing both quotes. Clicking 'Quote Messages' adds them to the message window at the bottom of the page. I think it's important to then go back and close the 'Multi Quote' feature in both threads.

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My mistake was, that after clicking 'Multi Quote' in both threads, I was going to the bottom of each thread and clicking 'Insert Quotes' (this put only the quote from that thread in the message window of that thread). What I found that I should have done, was return to the first thread and click 'Insert Quotes' in that thread only. This brings up the 'Review Messages' window, showing both quotes. Clicking 'Quote Messages' adds them to the message window at the bottom of the page. I think it's important to then go back and close the 'Multi Quote' feature in both threads.


The minute you press quote messages from the popup, chances are it'll clear the multi-quote session you started so if you are operating from multiple threads at the same time to compose replies, it's probably not a good idea to use multi-quote at the same time if that's what you've been trying to do?

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