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Does any one know, or can point me in the right direction to find out which handling agent(s) have operated at LBA since 1995? I know Servisair and Avaiance have but from when and what happened to Avaiance? I'm trying to find the info for an assignment I have to write! Thanks!
Forums4airports cannot be held responsible for the content of threads and individual posts made by members of the forum. If anyone has a strong objection to specific content posted herein, please contact us and we will attempt to remove said items.
We strongly recommend that members do not post names and that you 'avoid' the use of company names where your comments 'could' be regarded as slanderous. This is for your own protection.
Site Founder
Does any one know, or can point me in the right direction to find out which handling agent(s) have operated at LBA since 1995? I know Servisair and Avaiance have but from when and what happened to Avaiance? I'm trying to find the info for an assignment I have to write! Thanks!