
Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
I think they will find it was the spotlights over Elland Road for the Valentines Fair.
it will be the rubbish form outer space thats falling down to earth people are seeing

there is more chance of leeds utd going in to the premership than seeing a ufo!!!!
Based on last nights performance, I am sorry Yorkshire but I think a UFO is far more likely that Leeds getting back to the Premiership :nea:

Ideally though, I would like to see both!
On one of the few balmy summer evenings we had this year I was in my garden with my wife as twilight was approaching.

I looked to the east and saw a couple of bright lights apparently side by side. They were in the approximate direction from which aircraft approach Bristol Airport and I assumed I was seeing two aircraft 12-14 miles from touchdown in line but the angle gave the impression they were side by side.

I looked towards the lights a couple of minutes later but they appeared not to have moved. Shortly afterwards they were joined by a third light. For a few moments I thought they might be helicopters.

By now my wife who finds aircraft very boring had become mildly interested.

Her interest intensified when one of the lights appeared to suddenly fly away from us at phenomal speed, shortly afterwards followed by the second light. The third light remained.

I don't yet believe in aliens or flying saucers and decided we were seeing bright lights rapidly fading which gave the impression of speeding away at tremendous speed. When the third light did the same I was convinced.

However, I have to say that it would have been easy to believe that the lights were travelling at a speed that no aircraft could have matched.

Probably Chinese lanterns or something similar but I can understand why some people think they have seen something from beyond our world in such circumstances.

[warning]Article about "UFO over Belton" has been removed on request.[/warning]
It's weird that Chinese lanterns get blamed for most of these sightings. I wouldn't mind just seeing a Chinese lantern.
I was reading the metro newspaper the other day and some councilor said that he saw an alien girl with big eyes and reckons there are more of them which we dont know about, but didnt bother to report at the time it until now. He also paid around £400.00 for an artist to do a drawing of her which was shown in the metro.. me thinks hes having him self on!!!
they'er chinees lanterns mate not a bluming ufo saying that if you have bad eye sight any thing in the air would look like a ufo
I sore enough Chinese lanterns on New Years Eve to ensure that I could never get confused and think they are a UFO. People are generally too dismissive of UFOs with the presumption that it means 'little green men'. this is not necessarily always the case as some sightings could be of secret military flying objects.
I too have seen quite a few chinese lanterns. I probably saw the same ones as Aviador on News Year Eve, as we live in the same part of Leeds, but I also saw two more during the first week in January on a snowy evening. What was very odd, was that they seemed to rise from the ground not too far from home, in Horsforth, but then almost side by side, accelerated very quickly from West to East. Everyone who lives in Leeds will know however that throughout the snowy weather early in January, the freezing wind was blowing in the OPPOSITE direction, so these two lights, which did look exactly like chinese lanterns, were not only travelling into the wind, but I would estimate that they were travelling at at least 100mph such was their acceleration and speed as they passed over the old Cookridge Hospital. Do they do Chinese Lanterns powered by turbo boosters???

It was really weird
I thought of it but the speed they were going they would have been gone long before I could even get to my camera. I would estimate that from appearing over the rooftops down towards Horsforth Station, they had disappeared over the Otley Old Road area within 30 seconds - that is how fast they were going, so as a local, you can work that out for yourself. And as I said, this was into the prevailing wind at the time.

On the subject of UFO's though - something I find fascinating and I am open minded about, a few years ago, around 1am, I stood in our back garden and watched what appeared to be a normal cumulus cloud over towards Rawdon. However, it appeared that there was a bright light within the cloud. It lit up at one end, then the light faded and visibly moved around inside the cloud, or that is how it seemed. This went on for around 20 minutes and then suddenly stopped. I assumed at first it was a laser but it wasn't a narrow beam, it filled the cloud and there was no sign of any beam which normally you can pick out. It was not a time of year where you get lasers as part of any festivals either - it was late summer. Strangely too, the cloud never seemed to move - it just stayed there in the same place. I am sure there was a logical explanation, but it was really strange to watch and I still can't explain it.
Newly released files tell of hunt for UFO in the Woodside area of Leeds

Details of a mysterious orange object hovering in the night skies above Bradford can be found within the latest batch of UFO files released by The National Archives today.

The dome-shaped UFO, reported by a number of people in the Woodside area, was among hundreds of reported sightings and close encounters that landed on the MoD’s ‘UFO desk’ before it eventually closed in 2009.

A UFO researcher, who was dispatched to investigate the Woodside sightings on September 14, 1996, was driving east along the M62 between junctions 25 at Brighouse and 26 at Chain Bar when he too spotted something unusual.


In his report, he wrote: “We noticed a large cigar shaped object which had an orange glow, it had a red flashing light on its rear and it seemed to be in the Hartshead area of the sky.

“I can’t say if the object was moving as my car was gaining speed and then the object simply vanished.”

On arriving at Woodside, the researcher took accounts from “a very concerned lady” who had seen the object hovering over a block of flats near her home and another eight people who had all seen “strange lights in the sky.”

The reports were taken seriously enough to be sent to air traffic authority Nats and RAF Menwith Hill, but neither had any knowledge of anything untoward in the area on that night, although Nats pointed out the area is near a popular flight path.

Meanwhile, officials at Leeds Bradford Airport revealed the West Yorkshire Police helicopter was active in the area that evening.

The latest UFO files also include the unlikely tale of a peeved punter from Leeds who believed his 100-1 bet on alien life being discovered on Earth before the end of the century was a winner.

He approached the Government for evidence to support his claim when Ladbrokes refused to pay out. While the MoD said they were open-minded about extra-terrestrial life they had no evidence of its existence.

Modern reports of UFO sightings reached a peak in 1996 when there were more than 600 reported sightings across the UK. Dr David Clarke, author of The UFO files and Senior Lecturer in Journalism at Sheffield Hallam University said: “In 1996 there were more than 600 reports, 343 letters from the public and 22 enquiries from MPs, perhaps related to the popularity of shows such as The X-Files at the time.”

Manchester bound plane ‘had UFO near miss’

A 'near miss' between a passenger plane and a UFO near Manchester Airport is included in a number of previously secret files released by the Government. The close encounter was officially reported by the flight crew of a Boeing 737 back in January 1995.

The incident on 6 January 1995 involving a passenger plane in the night sky above Manchester is included in the latest batch of MoD files documenting alleged UFO sightings now released by the National Archives. The pilot and first officer of the plane described seeing a large grey object fly so close past the plane it made them duck. It is one of a number of MoD files documenting alleged UFO sightings.

What makes this particular incident interesting is the credibility of the witnesses: the pilot and first officer of a BA aircraft who reported it as an 'air miss'. In a detailed report to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the pilot confirmed that he was about 4,000 feet up over the Pennines, 8 or 9 miles south east of Manchester Airport, when the two men both saw something flash past the cockpit window.

The pilot described seeing a 'lighted object fly down the right hand side of the aircraft at high speed in the opposite direction.' His first officer - who instinctively 'ducked' as it went by - said it was a 'wedge-shaped' object possibly with a black stripe down the side which he estimated was 'between a light aircraft and Jetstream' (a small passenger plane) in size.

The pilot said the object had 'a number of small, white lights, rather like a Christmas tree' adding that he was able to track the object for around two seconds looking through the windscreen and side window. Both said that what they had seen was 'a solid object and not a [meteorological] phenomenon, balloon or any other craft' with which they were familiar, including a Stealth bomber.

The investigation failed to identify the object.

Just to add to the first post, i saw 2 orange lights tonight over Elland Road after our dreadful display against Cardiff. They were floating I guess a bit like chinese lanterns but they were acompanied by a noise - a wierd engine sound like a tug boat or something. I'm open minded and am open to ideas as to what they may be so dont necessarily want to assume that they were aliens but I would like to know what they were. Their pattern of flight wasnt smooth like a plane and they varied in their distance to each other so you can discount lanterns especially as there was barely any wind. Interesting.

Serious suggestions would be appreciated. :)
roomski said:
Just to add to the first post, i saw 2 orange lights tonight over Elland Road after our dreadful display against Cardiff. They were floating I guess a bit like chinese lanterns but they were acompanied by a noise - a wierd engine sound like a tug boat or something. I'm open minded and am open to ideas as to what they may be so dont necessarily want to assume that they were aliens but I would like to know what they were. Their pattern of flight wasnt smooth like a plane and they varied in their distance to each other so you can discount lanterns especially as there was barely any wind. Interesting.

Serious suggestions would be appreciated. :)

Welcome to the forum 'roomski'!

It sounds like something I have seen, again over Leeds a couple of years back. I'd seen a strange light in the sky looking towards Leeds city centre from Horsforth. It stayed there long enough for me to call the wife so she could have a look. I tried to get a picture but my camera battery had run out, isn't that just typical. Like you I just couldn't decipher what the light was and I don't want to assume it was 'little green men' but it was behaving in an unusual fashion unlike aircraft and then it disapeared towards Wakefield.
Hi Roomski

When I got home last night from the same horror display against Cardiff, my family told me they had seen a couple of chinese lanterns drifting over the house and that was not long after the game finished, so it may have been the same two. Don't forget that even when it is calm on the ground, there is always a wind higher up, and the wind direction last night would have blown any lanterns from South to North (ie Elland Road area up to Cookridge where we live). Are you sure that the 'noise' you heard wasn't the Police helicopter which was hanging around the ground both before and after the match?
People were setting Chinese lanterns off two miles from the threshold of runway 32 at Leeds this evening. I wonder how many people thought they'd seen a UFO?

I can't believe people were setting these things off so close to an airport. It clearly states on the packaging that they mustn't be set off anywhere near an airport, infact I think it states they mustn't be set off within around 4 or 5 miles of an airport.
Not necessarily related but thought I'd post on this thread in case anyone can answer on here.

Was sitting in my garden about 5 minutes ago and heard a turboprop in the area, not unusual as T3 tend to pass overhead on their HUY-ABZ and visa versa. Whilst looking for the aircraft I noticed a bright dot travelling overhead at speed (thought it may have been a Tucano at altitude at first hence the noise). however it must have been high as it passed over one of the few clouds in the sky. As it had passed the cloud the object sped up considerably and then seemed to shoot off and vanish.

Anyway I was wondering if it could have been a satellite (though during the night they tend to appear at a constant speed across the sky when looking from the naked eye). Is it possible to view a satellite during the day? Could the light conditions during the day give the impression that an object is speeding up rapidly before it dissappears? Also what would a shooting star look like during the day?
Hi Pug

I can tell you that last summer I saw something very similar heading in a South Westerly direction over Leeds. It was white, reflecting the sun brightly, totally silent, no vapour trail and at a fairly steady speed, but when observed through binoculars, it looked too big for a satellite, so I reached the conclusion that it was possibly the International Space Station, reflecting the sun. I couldn't think of anything else. However, all satellites and the space station surely travel at a fairly steady speed?

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Hi, I was born and lived in B36 for a long time - Lindale Avenue, just around the corner from Hodge Hill Comp.
I just noticed your postcode on a post.

Do you still live in the area?
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