
Staff member
Jan 12, 2009
Just to get the picture thread going again, this was from the old forum.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Oi david bailey! (Aviador ;) ) Did you manage to get any more wintery weather pics?

Or anybody else for that matter?
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Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

I was a bit slow off the mark this time.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Great photos nonetheless Aviador, and particularly good at showing the rather hilly nature of the LBA runway! I have never seen one from this angle before and it certainly shows that it ain't level! It also demonstrates clearly just how high above the City the airport really is!!
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Aviador, please can you tell me where you were stood when you took the photo second from bottom, if possible with a Google Map link. I'd like to get some video from there. Thanks.
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Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

I think I was working that day as well but I still managed to miss it. :nea:
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Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

The camera is a Sony A330 the lens is 300mm
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

The zoom I've just bought is a Tamron 70-300mm zoom, any tips for good 'zoom spots' etc around LBA, I've only been to the Graveyard, and my shots were not as 'zoomed' as yours! You certainly seem to be closer to the action.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

My actual zoom lens is the same make. I took them all by the graveyard off Cemetery Road. The path by the golf course used to be good but the fence is too high now so other than that there's only the flyover by Mutiflight other than actually being airside at the airport.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Very nice. Try taking another with a longer exposure and you'll probably be able to make out the parked aircraft.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Your camera should have a knob with various symbols on it. Select the symbol what looks like a moon on it. That's the standard automatic mode for night shots. You'll need a tripod or something steady to take the picture or you'll get camera shake.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

I didn't realise it was that simple! I'll have a go Weds or Thurs night when the skies are meant to be clear.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert far from it but that's the easiest way to take pictures during the nighttime.

The photo mags suggest taking the shots in twilight for best results.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Hmmm I must've done that wrong I thought the pics would appear on this page! Help!!!!!
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

I've sorted your picture problem for you masere. Love the one looking down the wing towards the winglet and across the apron. Was that taken on board a Ryanair aircraft? I like the one with the mounds of snow too they're good. Have you thought of having a go at leveling the horizon on that one?

If you post any more pictures (hopefully you will :pleasantry: ) your image code will need to look something like this....

Hope that helps!
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Thanks Aviador!! Yes it was taken on a Ryanair flight they all were. I couldn't resist the £5 and £1 sales, with the only add-ons being a card fee and insurance as online check-in was free. Less than £20 Leeds-Dublin and back (on the £1 fare) is an absolute bargain, considering a taxi just between my house in Otley and LBA is over £10!!

Oh and could you please explain what you mean by me "levelling the horizon" as I seem to be missing my God-like powers! :)
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

Sorry yes, I just mean straightening them out so they are level. It might work well on the picture of the single Jet2 757. The one with the winglet suits the diagonal angle view and works quite well without any alteration as does the last one.
Re: Leeds Bradford Photo Thread

That's a nice picture. Were you stood on the cemetery wall to take that?

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49 trips undertaken last year. First done this year which was to North Wales where surprisingly the only slippery surfaces were in Conwy with the castle and it's walls closed due to the ice.
Aviador wrote on SNOWMAN's profile.
Thanks for the support @SNOWMAN
Well over 4 million steps taken this year already. And about 12,500 photos.
The joys of travel. Train from Edinburgh to Leeds is cancelled so having another night in Edinburgh and heading back in the morning!
Tbf Edinburgh isn't a bad city to be stuck in.
A week off work done which resulted in 6 day trips , 50 miles walked and only 2500 photos, Going to work is more of a holiday as I tended to be out of my flat an hour earlies in my week off and back for after 8pm

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