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I'm please to attach my analysis of the CAA data for August as it applies to Humberside. E&OE


I am surprised that more people flew to Burgas than Palma or is it due to a '5 week month'
I am surprised that more people flew to Burgas than Palma or is it due to a '5 week month'
Think there was one less Tuesday than in August 2023, so one less PMI. BOJ was twice weekly in August (Friday and Monday) but unfortunately the average load was fairly low when compared to PMI’s near 100%!

Pleasingly the AMS is slowly improving, but still not at pre-Covid levels (about 1000 per month below). ABZ is up and down based on industry demand. NQY was very strong, but I understand is being dropped next year which is a shame but not a surprise as Eastern are tending to move away from small regional services.

So positive when taking into account recent years, but pretty dreadful when compared to years in the now distant past. Had the DSA experiment not happened we would have been having a completely different conversation.
Thanks Spotty Dog.

I have 906 passengers for ABZ, down from 910 last year.

I understand the PMI is lower due to one outbound going tech this year and the outbound passengers departed MAN. The difference from last year is 190 passengers, or 1 passenger less based on 189 passengers per flight!

Average of just over 54 passengers per AMS sector, not sure if load factors due mixed fleet. In terms of raw numbers the HUY is exceeds MME and CWL and is about the same as SOU and INV. Less than NWI still though.

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