There has been a change of heart from MAG. T1 to remain open now. EZY to move to check in zone B in the new year. Ryanair to move from T3 over to T1 latest June 25 - they will take the current EZY check in area. T3 airside will remain accessed via southern front as it was just after Covid.I'm assuming this will mean all Pier B departures will be accessed from T3 from when EasyJet and Ryanair share the pier then? That is of course if T1 Departures from the Duty Free area and Pier C are still planned to close? Will be interesting how they send passengers into Pier B from T3 if so.
I guess this also means EZY will stay in T1/T3 with Ryanair for the time being as well? Still hearing mixed things if they're going to T2 or staying in T1/T3, though with the proposed stand changes above I think the amount of stands should be enough for both carriers, providing they still drag some over from remote stands during the morning rush like they do currently.
T3 will be used for arrivals only. Departures level will be closed and initially mothballed. Original plan was to keep T3 open by extending security accross the existing stand 18 however the floor of the original security is not capable of taking the weight of the new scanners required by the CAA. This extension has now been binned off as too costly. The security in T1 is able to have the new scanners as it was built as an extension during the last T1 developments back in 2007.
Stands 29 & 31 at C pier will be reconfigured to code C max with the inner bridge on 31 and outer bridge on 29 to be removed in January.
As previously noted, plans are changing on a weekly basis.
Indeed still connected however now used as T1 domestics (Gates 34-36).There was certainly pier B access from the southern front for the 1994 Superhub; I’d assume it’s still usable if not in use.